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DemomanEngineerHeavy  Mid/High Skill, Highlander

European looseyleftie

Posted: | Last Online:

With some exams out of the way, I'm thinking about coming back to comp.

Previous low-level experience on Engie and Medic, and won Div 4 in S7 on demo, as maincaller.

I'd be willing to play Heavy or Demo in Mid, depending on if I like your team, and I'll play Engie in Mid/High if your team can play good, I guess :)

I'm a little rusty, but I'm pretty dedicated once I get into a team- add me for a trial, sure.

Also willing to sub if I get to play enough.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:80743309 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Hungary4Blood GIGA VOLUME [Highlander] Obi-Wan Pierogi
Joined Dillionaire_Damage [6v6] Royal Flush
Left The! Complete Bankers [6v6] looseyleftie
Joined Hungary4Blood GIGA VOLUME [Highlander] Obi-Wan Pierogi
Left The Complete Bankers [Highlander] looseyleftie
Joined The Complete Bankers [Highlander] Kippy
Left The Complete Bankers [Highlander] looseyleftie
Left Wales [National Highlander Team] $neaky
Joined Wales [National Highlander Team] $neaky
Joined Particle Psychics [6v6 Fun Team] looseyleftie
Joined The! Complete Bankers [6v6] Higs
Left Broadmoor Asylum Gaming Club [6v6] looseyleftie
Joined Broadmoor Asylum Gaming Club [6v6] Ecophagy
Left Particle Psychic's [6v6] looseyleftie
Joined The Complete Bankers [Highlander] looseyleftie
Left Particle Psychics [Highlander] looseyleftie
Joined Particle Psychic's [6v6] looseyleftie
Joined Particle Psychics [Highlander] looseyleftie

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  1. $neaky: (ETF2L Donator) - A51 - hp said:

    Easily high as engineer, his game sense was always the best on any class and he’s a lovely guy! Enough said.

  2. RedSpark: $$$ - $$ said:

    Really friendly guy with lots of gamesence and good maincalls :)

  3. Casino said:

    No idea what skill level he is but was a great guy when I played HL with him. Good luck!