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Spy  Mid Skill, Highlander

Norway Vetle

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello, I am currently in a team, but I would like to be a main spy for a team in mid. I'm a bit unsure of my skill level but I think I will be able to do some what ok in mid.

I am fully welcome to feedback too.

Add me if you want to ask questions, or any other reason to add me.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:150400270 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Norway [National Highlander Team] Refleks
Left Lekker9 [Highlander] Vetle
Joined Lekker9 [Highlander] HeeSang
Left MONKEY MODE: Middies In Paris [Highlander] extrasolar
Joined MONKEY MODE: Middies In Paris [Highlander] AustinN
Left Lucrosa [Highlander] Vetle
Joined Lucrosa [Highlander] Cronk
Left Not Yet Specified [Highlander] Vetle
Joined Not Yet Specified [Highlander] Bloodis
Left Smog Boys [6v6] Vetle
Left My dead grandma is better than me [1v1] Vetle
Left Pizza Police [Highlander] Vetle
Joined Pizza Police [Highlander] drew
Left Victory Road [Highlander] Vetle
Joined Victory Road [Highlander] AustinN
Left SAMII SHARTING SCHOOL [Highlander] Vetle
Joined SAMII SHARTING SCHOOL [Highlander] samii
Left WASP [Highlander] Vetle
Joined Smog Boys [6v6] HeeSang
Left pick achu! [6v6] Vetle
Joined WASP [Highlander] Detoed.
Left Pizza Police [Highlander] Vetle
Joined Pizza Police [Highlander] drew
Left OnlyHereToBeatDefa [6v6 Fun Team] Vetle
Left Not Yet Specified [Highlander] Vetle
Joined OnlyHereToBeatDefa [6v6 Fun Team] tatty
Joined Not Yet Specified [Highlander] tatty
Left Deseras [Highlander] Vetle
Joined Norway [National Highlander Team] Yxxo
Joined pick achu! [6v6] Taka
Joined My dead grandma is better than me [1v1] Vetle
Joined Deseras [Highlander] Taka
Left LogsMatter [Highlander] Vetle
Joined LogsMatter [Highlander] blazeeight

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Mid/Open 7 262
View Mid/Open 14 560
View Mid 6 345
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View High 6 298
View High/Mid 25 872
View High/Mid 13 711
View Open 0 342


  1. Vetleaks: Vaccinator said:

    Good calls and good picks, knows when to kill what. Can surely do fine in mid

  2. Brian: (Senior Anti-Cheat Admin) - hp said:

    Good spy, mid is fair

  3. Taka said:

    Best on full time gunspy, ok on knifespy and solly. Definitely ready for Mid.
    So ready in fact, that I’d appreciate you not stealing him away from us :P

  4. blayze said:

    Great spy and has very solid aim, good pickup for a play offs team

  5. chadful said:

    he is a good spy ready for mid also good calls and good picks is a great spy when full time gun spy with very solid aim and knows when to kill what which makes him a good pickup for a play offs team so id appriciate you not stealing him away from us ,

  6. Bluey: D-War said:

    Very good gunspy, I’ve played with and against him many times and he’s proven time and time again that he has what it takes to be mid.

  7. StellarHoxy said:

    quality gunspy, good guy, ready for mid guaranteed

  8. tatty: NYS said:

    Actually great at gunspy, solid comms and can play other classes very well.

  9. Zamparonie: MAGDONAL - op_sqd said:

    fits for mid