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DemomanScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Israel Loldude the 6th

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi, my name is Sam Segal.
I am playing Team Fortress 2 for more then 2 years now, I think.
I am 16 and I feel like this is the time for me to join an organized group of gaming.
I hope that I will be picked into a nice supportive team that will unite me with Gamers that wish for what I do – a nice medal, after competing in awesome battles.
My nick is Loldude the 6th, and I hope you will choose me.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:82618041 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Absolutely Free! [6v6] Aoshi
Joined Absolutely Free! [6v6] Dephaistos
Left 420blazeitphaggot [6v6] Loldude the 6th
Joined 420blazeitphaggot [6v6] snoop lion
Left International Skill Force [6v6] Loldude the 6th
Joined International Skill Force [6v6] Loldude the 6th
Left TheDwibaFy [6v6] Loldude the 6th
Joined TheDwibaFy [6v6] Loldude the 6th
Left Team IKEA [Highlander] Lyrete
Joined Team IKEA [Highlander] Loldude the 6th

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 5/Div 6 3 340


  1. Droidster: tavi said:

    I’ve got a new div 6 team who mix and play pugs regularly and we need a demo and scout. Add me if you are interested?

  2. Droidster: tavi said:

    I forgot to say it’s a 6v6 team

  3. rhys said:

    hey got a new 6v6 team set up just looking for a demoman we play mixs and lobbys games everything we have trianing just need a demoman whos div 6 like the rest of us add me if your interested :D

  4. dizerRR said:

    add me mybe you will be in my team ( after test oc) div 6-5 pocket or rom soli add me