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Medic  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Belgium guapdaddy4000

Posted: | Last Online:


Due to time commitments, I can't really commit to a full-time team (see: exams) therefor I would like to possibly join YOUR (yes, yours!) TEAM as a backup medic.

about me:
-can play from 20:30 till 22:30 (with exceptions)
-variable playtimes
-speak fluent English
-have experience at this level
-can maincall
-although it's been a while, I'm pretty sure I can still dodge shit
(give me time though, I'm a bit rusty)

About you:
-Fluent English
-Relaxed attitude towards the game
-care about me please <3

Willing to play backup Roamer for a top div 5 or div 4 team as well!

If you are an up and coming div 4 team, I'm willing to play backup med for you guys if I like playing with you a lot

thanks for reading and contact me on steam!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:50962887 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Choking Hazard [6v6] Matek
Joined Choking Hazard [6v6] Matek
Left wammy's ducklings [6v6] guapdaddy4000
Joined wammy's ducklings [6v6] quadreff
Left cl4pers : reborn [6v6] guapdaddy4000
Joined cl4pers : reborn [6v6] gugle
Left hot men [6v6] guapdaddy4000
Joined hot men [6v6] Nadpher
Left U.B. [6v6] guapdaddy4000
Joined U.B. [6v6] HopelessFerret
Left TANK [6v6] guapdaddy4000
Joined TANK [6v6] renton
Left 7up [6v6] guapdaddy4000
Joined 7up [6v6] rumi
Left comfy in my jammies [6v6] guapdaddy4000
Joined comfy in my jammies [6v6] guapdaddy4000
Left Karaboga [6v6] guapdaddy4000
Joined Karaboga [6v6] kotmerty
Left nervousENERGY Cosmic Latte [6v6] guapdaddy4000
Joined nervousENERGY Cosmic Latte [6v6] onerule
Left naff - vintage edition [6v6] guapdaddy4000
Joined naff - vintage edition [6v6] guapdaddy4000
Left Rule34 [6v6] guapdaddy4000
Joined Rule34 [6v6] guapdaddy4000
Left Lethal-Zone Nationalism [6v6] guapdaddy4000
Joined Lethal-Zone Nationalism [6v6] guapdaddy4000
Left Haze eSports [6v6] guapdaddy4000
Joined Haze eSports [6v6] guapdaddy4000
Left The Enigma Zone Crew [6v6] Coleman
Joined The Enigma Zone Crew [6v6] guapdaddy4000
Left nervousENERGY Cosmic Latte [6v6] guapdaddy4000
Joined nervousENERGY Cosmic Latte [6v6] guapdaddy4000
Left Haze eSports [6v6] Chillerbear
Joined Haze eSports [6v6] guapdaddy4000
Left nervousENERGY Cosmic Latte [6v6] llbr
Joined Trolling Bunnies Team JESUS [Highlander] wnk1ee
Left I Freaking Love Haggis [Highlander] Yetin the Cretin
Joined I Freaking Love Haggis [Highlander] Tearmisu
Joined nervousENERGY Cosmic Latte [6v6] cmd
Left Classy [6v6] Belial
Left cLanda [Highlander] b0nes
Joined Classy [6v6] Belial
Left Bidoof [6v6] Moophie
Joined Bidoof [6v6] Moophie
Left Bidoof [6v6] Moophie
Joined Bidoof [6v6] Moophie
Joined TEAM NAME [6v6 Fun Team] Slliter
Left nervousENERGY Green [6v6] Sasuke
Joined cLanda [Highlander] Bassa123
Joined nervousENERGY Green [6v6] Sasuke

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Low/Open 12 841
View Mid/Low 11 844
View Low 13 555
View Low/Open 5 359
View Open 3 352
View Div 4/Div 5 2 415
View Div 4/Div 5 1 397
View Div 5/Div 6 11 616
View Div 3/Div 4 12 656


  1. mayu: FaZe - 9F said:

    this guy is ewry good try him you wil lbe pleased. i ruw him longytime, best man ever

  2. Chicken George said:

    Great guy, fun to be with in mumble, solid ingame skills! Great pick for every team!

  3. Fischkopf: ist doof - HKN! said:

    Go get him, great gamesence! Every team can benefit from someone who can go over your demo and give you plenty of helpfull advises.

  4. Winterz: (è_é) said:

    Don’t add him, he keeps changing his mind (usually every 2/3 hours).
    His fps drops after one game and so does his enthusiasm, even if you let him switch class 3 times.
    Also, he will leave your team as soon as you sign up for a season.
    And last but not least his mom is annoying as fuck.

  5. MEGAMIDDIE said:


  6. guapdaddy4000: tB TJ said:

    calling for a div 6 team was too much frustration for me to handle I’m afraid
    my mom is annoying as fuck though, I agree

  7. Coleman: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Really nice chap. Shame that he threw his laptop across the room. FPS drops from hell.

  8. 009EFF: doggo - HL said:

    Nice guy amazing as medic and just amazing ingame skill.
    Also Belgian so he has to be amazing!
    Good luck man!

  9. blacky_aq said:

    his behind every frag

  10. oneru1e said:

    Slick medic and an awesome guy! would be a great addition to any team, a blast to have in mumble!
    Gl :D

  11. Tiky said:

    Best friend , If you are solly roamer you will rage cuz hes dodging like mirelin .

  12. Alpine said:

    Great personality. With his decent heals comes good gamesense. Enjoyable to play with.

  13. KKR said:

    Bitches he’s mah baguatte :)