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MedicScout  Open Skill, 6v6

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Posted by Aaron: | Last Online:

Gonna stick around open for the time being,
I generally main Scout and would say I'm not too bad at it,
I am however willing to try myself on Medic if there is any need to.

Cheers, Aaron

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  1. Aaron said:

    inb4 tl’dr B)

  2. PdH said:


  3. Aaron said:

    Pfff, what’chu be goin on about? B)

  4. pancila: //ExYu\\ said:


  5. Chicken George said:

    Slightly adjusted that essay and got admitted to Harvard, thanks Aaron

  6. Aaron said:

    Oh my, thank you.
    Do get get a doctor title now?

  7. BRASILGORILA99 said:

    Could trial, add me if interesed, no prior mid experience though, but i do have 250+ pugs and 1 season of d5 and 2 of d6

  8. XO - said:

    add me if you are looking for a pocket.

  9. Aaron said:

    Humpty bumpty

  10. Aaron said:

    ‘nother bumpity