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Soldier  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Lil'D.

Posted: | Last Online:

Solly – div 2+ level looking for team Trail me.
Steam name: Lil' Scar
Avatar in-case is a black background with a red strip across it.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:54540342 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined seymour the house is on fire [6v6] piggles
Left Fresher Meat [6v6] Lil'D.
Joined Fresher Meat [6v6] Sivik
Left Divine Legacy [6v6] Lil'D.
Joined Divine Legacy [6v6] CardfightGamer
Left FullPasta [6v6] StellarHoxy
Joined FullPasta [6v6] StellarHoxy
Left Divine Legacy [6v6] Lil'D.
Joined Divine Legacy [6v6] CardfightGamer
Left webo [6v6] Lil'D.
Left refugeeeeeesports [6v6 Fun Team] Lil'D.
Joined webo [6v6] AustinN
Left idk? [6v6] Lil'D.
Joined refugeeeeeesports [6v6 Fun Team] Agen
Joined idk? [6v6] tdm0
Left Junior Mafia [6v6] Lil'D.
Joined Junior Mafia [6v6] NYK
Left Team Liquicity [6v6] unexpected.
Joined Team Liquicity [6v6] unexpected.
Left Augmented Performance [Highlander] Dephaistos
Left You Just Got Panned versus 6 [6v6] Lil'D.
Joined You Just Got Panned versus 6 [6v6] Lil'D.
Left We dont need a name [6v6] Valeria
Joined Augmented Performance [Highlander] Lil'D.
Joined We dont need a name [6v6] Lil'D.
Left Fucking Awesome Generous Scums [Highlander] Monta
Left Fucking Awesome Generous Scums [6v6] Monta
Joined Fucking Awesome Generous Scums [Highlander] Lil'D.
Joined Fucking Awesome Generous Scums [6v6] Lil'D.
Left Arenaleague [6v6] Lil'D.
Joined Arenaleague [6v6] Lil'D.
Left Farah-esports.org [6v6] blacky_aq
Joined Farah-esports.org [6v6] Lil'D.
Left Arenaleague [6v6] Lil'D.
Left Simons Fishing Club [National 6v6 Team] Lil'D.
Joined Arenaleague [6v6] Lil'D.
Left Fundental [6v6] patty
Joined Fundental [6v6] Lil'D.
Left Inspiration? [6v6] blacky_aq
Joined Inspiration? [6v6] blacky_aq
Left ESG.TF2 [6v6] Lil'D.
Joined ESG.TF2 [6v6] BuLLeT
Left XtraViaTioN [Highlander] Mr Biggles
Left XtraViaTioN [6v6] Lil'D.
Joined XtraViaTioN [6v6] Mr Biggles
Left XtraViaTioN [6v6] Lil'D.
Joined XtraViaTioN [6v6] Mr Biggles
Left XtraViaTioN [6v6] Lil'D.
Joined XtraViaTioN [Highlander] Mr Biggles
Joined XtraViaTioN [6v6] Mr Biggles
Left Highlander tiimi [Highlander] Lil'D.
Left World United Hippies Of The Free [6v6] Punkka
Joined Highlander tiimi [Highlander] Punkka
Joined World United Hippies Of The Free [6v6] Punkka
Left Undisputed [6v6] Bombenstein
Joined Undisputed [6v6] Lil'D.
Left VeLocity! Gaming [6v6] Lil'D.
Joined Simons Fishing Club [National 6v6 Team] wibE
Joined VeLocity! Gaming [6v6] Platinum
Left European Fortress Gamers [6v6] Lil'D.
Joined European Fortress Gamers [6v6] Platinum

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 5/Div 6 1 200
View Div 6 2 220
View Div 6 4 274
View Div 4/Div 5 1 331
View Div 4/Div 5 1 629
View Div 5/Div 6 0 180


  1. llbr said:


    Guy’s a dick, don’t recommend.

    No point in commenting on his skillevel as well.

  2. llbr said:

    Maybe my comment was a bit to hateful, i’m sorry.

    Haven’t played with him in a while, might have changed.

    Has attitude issues though and tends to rate himself way higher than he actually is.

    Best of luck

  3. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    don’t take him he is mean! and lol at div 2 don’t even think he has played above div 6

  4. Kontasu said:


  5. Muzzie said:

    I’m confused, you’re searching div 4 but you’re looking for div 2? o_O

  6. llbr said:

    I ain’t no schizophrenic??

  7. Socky: RG-eSports said:


  8. Sasuke: ORACLE said:

    Div5 at best, hes a douchebag too

  9. Cu Chulainn said:


    Guys claims div2 dm as soldier, and having played with him several times when messing around with or mentoring XTVN I can safely say he has ZERO gamesense, and no aim.

    Also a compulsive liar and in general an utter douche.

  10. Nyhon: .:ne:. said:

    happy people

  11. mayu: FaZe - 9F said:

    hes pretty bad, and it seems like he likes to lie.

  12. Wiper: idd. said:

    “div 2 level looking for 4 team since its not that seriouse:)”

    yeah… yeah… funny how both of the divisions are incorrect

  13. Wiper: idd. said:


  14. SOCKYMONSTER: RG-eSports said:

    Bumper from another mother.
    give him a chance! :(

  15. cmd: (ETF2L Donator) - LEGO said:

    Don’t mean to sound like a douche or anything, but you’re far from division 2 level. Try div 4/5 or 4+ if you wanna push it.

  16. Regen: nf. - 9F said:

    Looks for div2+, joins Div6 team, good times

  17. Wiper: idd. said:

    inb4 leaves team

  18. llbr said:

    div 2+?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  19. Wiper: idd. said:

    Sorry for posting once again, but just need to get this out:

    “Just want to say my purpose here is to get rid of the flaming faggotry thats going on these days where everyone seems to genuinely believe they are about 2 or 3 divisions better than what they really are. A long time ago, people couldn’t do this because they would get shit on by the skill police.

    I encourage you, if you see someone blatently overrating themselves, fucking tell them. You dont need to be a prick about it, but it needs done.

    Too many ADHD-ridden shitters who don’t want to really want to get better, they just want to be prem.”


  20. space ranger said:
