ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Germany The Good Guys!

Posted by Tehgnarr: | Last Online:

Well, hello there, good people of ETF2L.

Thanks to some ungodly merc drama and possibly blackmail (I still got dem tapes CanFo!) we managed to get promoted to div4 next season. Unfortunately both our solis had to quit due to totally unforeseen events (girlfriends? really?), so now we are looking to fill the void.

We need:
– Preferably a pocket soli first, but we will trial roamers too.
– 18+ yo (we may make exceptions, but not very likely since our team average is about 25)
– Experience playing comp TF2 at least in div5 and at least two full seasons with the same team (might be different teams for different seasons though).
– The will to put up with some constructive and some not so constructive critisism by the main caller (me)

If you don't meet all the criteria, but still think you would fit (cause of sick a1mz and stuff) you can apply too, but be prepaired to get yelled at a lot (cause of sick tact1cz and stuff)

Also important to mention: we are a german speaking team, but we will gladly trial english speaking soldiers, because the snobism does not know boarders.

EDIT: I just read, that we have to play a tiebreaker first =) So, yeah, no div4 for now…

Tehgnarr out.

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  1. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    Good and friendly team. Totally nobody made me say this, gnarr got nothing on me. Do not believe his lies!

  2. Ehehehehehehe said:

    If snobism does not know boarders, does that mean that boarders can’t trial?

  3. Smegma said:

    take ehehehe !

  4. Ehehehehehehe said:

    oh please don’t

  5. Jaskey said:

    You wont have to play the playoff, because were giving you a default, were 8U’s folding soon so you might aswell have the promotion, GL in div4, nice guys with good attitudes

  6. haze-e: is good! said:


  7. Smegma said:

    SNOB]Tehgnarr: wenn du kommst nehm ich auch darina auf
    [SNOB]Tehgnarr: könnt ihr soli-duo machen =)


  8. sepp said:

    strong and smart team atm! hope to see emh top of d4 next season!

  9. Tehgnarr: is good! said:

    Omg, the blackmailer becomes the blackmailee. Smegma, gimme them logs back!

  10. Apfelkuchen: T4F - Pielander said:

    The Post is still currently

  11. WLL said:

    Good team, glgl