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Demoman  Mid Skill, Highlander

Slovenia Lemmy

Posted: | Last Online:

S11 team seems rip so i guess ill start looking for a team now.

Solid dm (?), calls (?) and gamesense (just no), have maincalled up to steel/silver, able to adapt to different combos and heal percentages.
Don't care if you have a project or a longterm team all i want is for it to be active and be able to actually compete with other teams on its level.
Not sure how much time i'm going to have in the future, but for now would only like main spots.

Also i have no idea how good i am so roast me on my skill level ::))

E D I T : Just looking for ugc gold playas now, already have enough etf2l trials

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:118763978 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! [Highlander] Lemmy
Joined Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! [Highlander] Speedody
Left Geneva Suggestion [Highlander] Winter Personified
Joined Geneva Suggestion [Highlander] Kingorcoc
Left Weed Cake Sellers [Highlander] Fire
Joined Weed Cake Sellers [Highlander] Fire
Left Cult Of Ivan [Highlander] Brian
Joined Cult Of Ivan [Highlander] Brian
Left Weed Cake Sellers [Highlander] Buck824
Joined Weed Cake Sellers [Highlander] Fire
Left Team Colonslash: Express [Highlander] Lemmy
Left LobbylordZ [6v6 Fun Team] Nightmare
Joined Team Colonslash: Express [Highlander] .zero
Left Muumit eSports [Highlander] Lemmy
Joined Muumit eSports [Highlander] Broly
Joined LobbylordZ [6v6 Fun Team] Nightmare
Left dead [Highlander] Lemmy
Joined dead [Highlander] Bliss
Left Cult Of ivan [6v6 Fun Team] Brian
Left Cult Of Ivan [Highlander] Brian
Joined Cult Of Ivan [Highlander] Brian
Joined Slovenia [National Highlander Team] Jan
Left CRAZYBWAII Clan [Highlander] Yxxo
Joined CRAZYBWAII Clan [Highlander] Yxxo
Joined Cult Of ivan [6v6 Fun Team] Brian
Left LobbylordZ [6v6 Fun Team] Lemmy
Left Vacuum Cleaner Racing Pilots [Highlander] Lemmy
Joined Vacuum Cleaner Racing Pilots [Highlander] foungi
Left Amazon Delivery [Highlander] Lemmy
Joined Amazon Delivery [Highlander] .strix
Left Victory Road [Highlander] Lemmy
Joined we fucking suck balls [2v2] mellow
Joined LobbylordZ [6v6 Fun Team] sasami
Left We Drop Memetapes [6v6 Fun Team] Lemmy
Joined Victory Road [Highlander] sasami
Left Weed Cake Sellers [Highlander] Fire
Joined The Worst Game Ever [6v6] Fire
Left Clinical autism [6v6] yugo
Joined Clinical autism [6v6] yugo
Left Clinical autism [6v6] NURWHAL
Joined Weed Cake Sellers [Highlander] Fire
Left Cult Of Ivan [Highlander] Lemmy
Joined Clinical autism [6v6] yugo
Left Croissant squad [6v6] Lemmy
Joined We Drop Memetapes [6v6 Fun Team] Lemmy
Joined Cult Of Ivan [Highlander] Lurkki
Left $ Mixtapes $ [Highlander] Lemmy
Joined Croissant squad [6v6] Ascend
Joined $ Mixtapes $ [Highlander] JJ

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High 22 854
View High/Mid 32 903
View High/Mid 5 436


  1. mellow said:

    Not sure how he would do in High but did just fine with us in scrims vs Mid/Gold teams before he went on several trips for a while. Absolute supreme master of memes. DM is top, has good calls but can be guilty of overextending every now and then. Definitely solid mid, top mid on a good day, but most importantly extremely fun to play video games with, be it serious video games, intense competitive matchmaking or whatever.

  2. Brian: (Senior Anti-Cheat Admin) - hp said:

    He only played one official this season in silver due to studies I assume but he looked more than comfortable in it. Also played scrims against silver teams with him where he has done fine. He’s definitely not ready for high as much as his meme game suggests but top mid shouldn’t be out of the question considering the other demos in top mid teams next season. Good demo overall and a nice guy, worth a pickup.

  3. yugo: tri_prsta said:

    Really nice lad and strong demo who did fine in mid/gold scrims. If his reliability improves and he keens up, then he should easily be able to do top mid.

    S L A V M E M E S

  4. Lurkki: SCOOPER - MUUMIT said:

    bottomscores in mm mainclassing with pubbers

  5. Gorzum said:

    Literally is rank 12 in matchmaking

    Also top mid

  6. Fat Albert: POUNDGREY said:

    When Lemon gets a pick I’m like WOWZERS!
    And then when I look down, there’s a mess in my trousers…
    He carried so hard in open and steel, maincalling too!
    Seeing him hold his own in mid makes me coo
    His DPM Is higher than snoop dog.
    Which always makes my twig become a chunky log.

  7. Strike said:

    ez mid. solid dm, gamesense and damage output. good communication also. pick him up!

  8. gamma: McB - JaR said:

    excellent dm, great damage output, will be the black man you’ve always wanted

  9. tikkeh: MPREG said:

    defs mid/high, good aim, good banter, best racist

  10. blayze said:

    Pretty hot 4 mid.

  11. Salami: ADHD said:

    very nice player would recommend if you want grass

  12. Zolith said:

    Great demo who would rival the best demos in mid while spewing out maincalls and dank memes.

    Pick him up before someone is faster.

  13. S.: FinalF said:

    Easily top mid, good maincalls
    Just take him…. i was playing with him as heavy in 2 seasons (silver, gold level)…. nice damage and many med drops :)

  14. Sennaj_Legend: ★GF - Dr. med. said:

    good demo ez top mid

  15. mellow said:

    Lemon is too lazy to bump his rec post and because of his insecurities he ask retarded melodramatic scumbags like me to do it for him

  16. Freakie: KOLAR - .awkward said:

    Aren’t you supposed to be dead.

  17. sek: SDCK! said:

    hes a fun dude to play games with, solid mid phu

  18. Brian: (Senior Anti-Cheat Admin) - hp said:

    ‘Applejack is the hillbilly pony that hates niggers’

    Ty lemon, top mid

  19. Brian: (Senior Anti-Cheat Admin) - hp said:

    ‘are you a brony, wanna roleplay?’

  20. Brian: (Senior Anti-Cheat Admin) - hp said:

    ‘lmao nigger down’

  21. Jaros said:

    Scottish airplane, 9/11 would pick.

  22. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:

    really good demo ,his voice made me moist many times :)))))))))

  23. Brian: (Senior Anti-Cheat Admin) - hp said:

    Solid mid scout

  24. Lemmy: Vaccinator said:


    Still looking for UGC gold or top silver, just as to not fall out of the loop

  25. Brian: (Senior Anti-Cheat Admin) - hp said:

    nice person

  26. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:

    Whatever he sings is imbued with gold – he’s got the voice and spirit of an Italian baritone, but the heart of a Slovenian memelord. As Adje said, he’s guilty of overextending every now and then but you’ll need that on your team – someone who’s aggressive, with good gamesense but top DM. Rarely misses with his nades.  

  27. mellow said:

    Lemon | mvlehti.net: Sry i didnt answer
    Lemon | mvlehti.net: Was too busy jerking off to flutershy getting anally annihilated