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Soldier  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, 6v6

European La Girafe

Posted by SmoKe: | Last Online:

Seems that Italy's internet definitely sucks, Simonine can't play with 300 pings, he's going backup.

So we're looking for a main pocket soldier.

Contact :
SmoKe` on #etf2l (Quakenet)
Steam : http://steamcommunity.com/id/SmOkEiSBaD

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  1. Dummy said:

    aiming for le stars
    get used to me failing and youngblood coming in after my carcass to save the day (also french. lots of french. j’aime le baguette. et tu?)

  2. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Apparently they allow teams 20 pauses, allow opponent to swap players midgame, rr when half of the opposing team crashes, and have long necks.

  3. Shep_Cro: W.tf said:

    Simonine :((

  4. Frix: LG said:

    dummy bad:=0

  5. Askior: swimp said:

    u fail ymmuD (its “et toi”, not “et tu” =P)

  6. droso: o/ said:

    CantFitMyName award!

    ahahah, who am I kidding?

  7. Dummy said:


  8. Typh0n: AUTOBOTS said:

    Still trying yet still failing :)

  9. Dummy said:


  10. Kritzonite: qn. said:

    One of the nicest teams we’ve played against, always polite and waited 30 minutes without complaint yesterday while we fannied around trying to fix pings and looking for a merc. I’d say they have a good chance of winning their division this season.

  11. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    Good luck!

  12. Dummy said:

    kritzonite, in the future feel free to ask me for a merc for you as I know half of the community, no need to make beav play solly for half of the match :D

  13. baerbel: trick17 - trick17 said:

    Simonine noooooooooooooooooo

  14. Nor: rda said:

    great guys with huge potential

  15. dr icecream said:

    Why don’t they have a solly yet? These guys are great, and in need of a solly to not have to merc for the rest of the season. So any decent solly on this level (that’s not taken) should check them out

  16. SmoKe said:

    Thanks guys !

  17. stvv: WUL said:

    dummy is terrible, dno about the rest really

  18. YoungBlood: Girafe > said:


  19. Dummy said:


  20. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:

    YB bestest guy in tf2

  21. gintoki: |TV| said:

    I wanna try out for soldier position.