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Sniper  Low Skill, Highlander

Germany Kreos

Posted: | Last Online:

1000+hrs on sniper know the basics and have played open and low and ugc silver
add me for questions

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:134506788 Add Friend

Team History

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Joined ManShaft United [6v6] Wilderhammer
Left :Blinky: [6v6] JoeN
Joined Swaghetti Yolonese [2v2] Wilderhammer
Joined :Blinky: [6v6] JoeN
Left Frankfurt Bahnhoff [6v6] Kreos
Joined Frankfurt Bahnhoff [6v6] limitates
Left HUCREW [6v6] Kreos
Joined HUCREW [6v6] qBowN∼
Left Gabelstaplerfahrer Klaus gibt Gas [6v6] Benaty
Joined Gabelstaplerfahrer Klaus gibt Gas [6v6] Benaty
Left Team Merkelsommer [6v6] Kreos
Joined Team Merkelsommer [6v6] S@GA
Left Open div kings [6v6] Kreos
Joined Open div kings [6v6] fntlps
Left THACI/VUCIC [Highlander] Sothis
Joined TROLL LEAGUE GAMING [6v6] Cento
Left The Pest Control [6v6] Kreos
Joined The Pest Control [6v6] Gabriel
Joined THACI/VUCIC [Highlander] Sothis
Left D1CK + 9 OTHER NOOBS [Highlander] Kreos
Joined D1CK + 9 OTHER NOOBS [Highlander] soaky
Left SunnyD [Highlander] Kreos
Joined SunnyD [Highlander] soaky

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  1. Gabriel said:


  2. Lowa: GG said:

    Toxic and also cannot take critism.

  3. saltyy said:

    simp king osborn and kimmy at it again

  4. Endrit: CCP said:

    Dogshit player with dogshit attitude
    not a good pick up

  5. MOFU said:

    Kinda toxic I didn’t had any beef with you but you still acted dickish

  6. G-Dude: NM said:

    Dogshit player with dogshit attitude
    not a good pick up

  7. sunflower said:

    very toxic, big ego, can click at open level fairly well but goodluck giving critisim

  8. rulliez: nya - 256 said:


  9. rulliez: nya - 256 said:

    if u say one bad word to him he WILL want to meet u irl to beat u up

  10. sunflower said:

    femboy fettish is present with this one

  11. Silence said:

    nice and chill guy

  12. kreumat: GYM said:

    toxic n racist :(

  13. laiky: hoes said:

    kreos who?

  14. chris_kz: kZk said:

    this guy is pretty based ngl
    liked playing in a team with him

  15. Bliss: DMX - BRIT said:

    If you want screaming and swearing in your team this man is for you! If he dies on sniper you better be ready to be told the 15 different reasons it wasn’t his fault…. and of course he has been told he can go prem.

    10/10 Pick him up if you like leaving games with more depression than before hand

    Recommend you pick up this man if you really hate yourself

  16. Sothis: :flag_rs: - CCP said:

    bad in sniper, bad in life
    cannot headshot to save his life
    he will mald, play victim and blame
    pick this guy up if you hate yourself

  17. Highlander: PINT said:

    at what point do you close the post?

  18. Highlander: PINT said:

    at what point do you close the post

  19. matzi said:

    Played a few lobbies with him, had a very toxic attitude towards me even though i never talked to him before. Dont know how he acts in a team, but I can’t imagine he’s much different…

  20. Bliss: DMX - BRIT said:

    ^ Literally just need to read my post to know how he acts in a team. Could be a good player in honesty if he wasn;t quite so toxic

  21. khamba said:

    “send me your demos after the match” ?

  22. mayo: SAUNA - UGC said:

    TF2 hunt try your luck on jackpot or enter wheel spins with the lowwest commitions

  23. Kreos: Brett said:

    Wow guys I only saw the comments today apparently I’m famous thanks guys but I already found a mid team

  24. Weazel: MM23 said:
