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Scout  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Sweden krazko

Posted: | Last Online:

I am a 21 year old Swedish guy that live and study in the UK

I'm currently on a gap year before my last year of uni.
Been playing quite a few of the newbie mixes in the steam group.

I'm looking for a team,
– Organized, that will say won't fold straight away and people show up when supposed to.
– Friendly atmosphere
– No Rage
– Relaxed mumble atmosphere with people relax and have fun

What I can offer,
– Eager to learn Scout
– Non-Rager
– Friendly, looking to have fun while playing
– Active

I don't generally offclass, but do so when required and always trying to improve my offclass game as well.

From thursday (1st sept) I will be going away for 2 weeks, in which time I won't be able to play my normal times (back 17th sept), I'll be able to play, but at writing moment I don't know the times.
I'm available to play evenings but as I am currently looking for a job I'm not sure exactly from what time.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:55806615 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Playstuff [Highlander] Sn0w.ps
Joined Insane Dutch Killers - Respawn in 5 [6v6] krazko
Left Playstuff [6v6] krazko
Joined Playstuff [6v6] krazko
Left Team Colonslash [6v6] Drackk
Joined Team Colonslash [6v6] krazko
Left Moder [6v6] krazko
Joined Moder [6v6] krazko
Left isaninja [6v6] krazko
Joined Platform 9 3/4 [1v1] octochris
Joined Playstuff [Highlander] krazko
Left isaninja [Highlander] krazko
Joined isaninja [Highlander] krazko
Joined isaninja [6v6] krazko
Left is a Ninja! [6v6] krazko
Joined is a Ninja! [6v6] krazko

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 3/Div 4 21 558


  1. NerdZone said:

    Good Scout likes talking gogogogo pick up krazko nao

  2. mrwhizz said:

    Really keen, has alot of potential


  3. Zealos said:

    Seemed like he’s got good dm, pick this guy up >:D

  4. Krazko: IDK said:

    shameless bump

    and thanks guys! :)

  5. Oxy: TC.Express said:

    Played him yesterday and he seems to be one of the strongest upcoming scouts from the noob mix group.

    Gl dude!

  6. Krazko: IDK said:

    bump to top :)

  7. Krazko: IDK said:

    edited little adn bump!

  8. bean: isaninja said:

    We’re looking for a scout mate, add me on Steam. Few of our guys are also from the mix group.