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Spy  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

Finland Kond3P

Posted: | Last Online:

I am looking for an European and English speaking team. Spy (276h) and sniper (170h) are my mains. I have never played comp before, some lobbies though. I am sort of addicted to going to orange maps and only practice my aim. Though I do have the more than basic skills in "spying".
I am Finnish so a team from Finland is also an option.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:111874916 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Aviate [6v6] Muze
Left fasting and fragging for ramadan [6v6] Kond3P
Joined fasting and fragging for ramadan [6v6] 0verflow
Left ALFASAURUS [6v6] Tombahh
Joined ALFASAURUS [6v6] Tombahh
Left Aviate [6v6] Kond3P
Joined Insane Flying Monkey Space Invaders [Highlander] Fr3d'
Left Saukot [Highlander] Markus
Joined Aviate [6v6] Muze
Left Autismi Tölkissä [6v6] Kond3P
Joined Autismi Tölkissä [6v6] Charred
Left Illusion [6v6] Janqe
Joined Illusion [6v6] Janqe
Joined Saukot [Highlander] Janqe

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  1. Popcorp said:

    more fins

  2. sinr said:
