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Medic  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Lithuania Kokojambo

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello! Unfortunately our team decided to call it a day, so I am on a lookout for a new team. Can play medic for D3/2 team (doesn't really matter). Can be a back-up as well, as I do not have that much time to play video games at the moment. Also, can play scout for a lower division team – D4/5 I'd say. Do not care if it is a new or already established team.

Little about me:

I am pretty mature in-game, I guess
Do not rage or whine
Have pretty fine comms
Reliable – I'll always inform you if I am not able to play the games.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:46349911 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Insane Dynamite Monkeys [6v6] Kokojambo
Left The Nemesis [2v2] Kokojambo
Joined The Nemesis [2v2] atomic-
Left Sintex [6v6] David
Joined Sintex [6v6] David
Left Insane Dynamite Monk3ys [6v6] Kokojambo
Left Kiberzona Highlander Strip [Highlander] Erebus
Joined Insane Dynamite Monk3ys [6v6] Kokojambo
Left Insane Dynamite Monk3ys [6v6] Kokojambo
Joined Insane Dynamite Monk3ys [6v6] Kokojambo
Left Insane Dynamite Monk3ys [6v6] spade
Joined Kiberzona Highlander Strip [Highlander] Kokojambo
Joined Insane Dynamite Monk3ys [6v6] Kokojambo
Left Sneer Team [6v6] Kokojambo
Joined Sneer Team [6v6] Kokojambo

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 4 12 457


  1. rviens said:

    high div 5, maybe, at best.

  2. Led said:

    Good player, Good luck dude :)

  3. Frix: LG said:

    think I agree with rviens

  4. Z0R0 said:

    div 2 medick and div 4 scout for sure. likes sexting late at night.

  5. Ash: (Legend) - UNHINGED said:

    Ace guy, needs a strong leading hand to shine though :)

    pick him asap!

  6. T0m.: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Nice guy, sick med. glgl

  7. Rockas: IDM. said:

    Cockojambo is an awesome guy and even a better medic ! good luck, shithead <3