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DemomanEngineerMedicPyroScoutSpy  Open Skill, Highlander

UnitedKingdom Koke momo

Posted by Luna: | Last Online:

Looking for keen gamers

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  1. Mona: Snack said:


  2. swaini: Snack said:


  3. Luna: monke - yur said:


  4. FEAR said:

    Can play as pyro

    Discord : BurakArtsᙨ#5726

  5. Desty said:

    Can play as a spy. 2000 hours in tf2 | around 500 on spy. I have a small comp experience

  6. Roboyt17 said:

    hello, im a scout main/medic main, my friend is a demo/scout main. we unfortunetaly have no community comp experience, we played some valve comp games, we have discord for communication.
    my steam profile : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198846640457/
    my friend’s profile : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198908285432

  7. Weazel: MM23 said:

    can play new to etf2l

  8. Rynx said:

    Hey, I’m a engineer/soldier/medic/heavy main, I play mostly engineer and I will show you what I can do. My discord is Я̷͎̿у̸̘̀й̷̂̊ж̵̹͊#3250.

    Thank you for reading this! I’ll be waiting for answer!

  9. boof said:

    i can play all classes if needed i m most of them good i m a soldier/engi/spy main

  10. Mystic said:

    can play spy dm me Mystic#2293

  11. Acoul: GMsU - GMsU said:

    I can play Pyro/Scout, I have 3k hours total and im looking for a chill team to play with
    DM me Acoul#2133

  12. B0zyd4r: EcVs said:

    i can play engineer
    1k hours in tf2
    100+ on engineer

    dm me, my discord: