ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

UnitedStates Knights OF Rebellion

Posted by J.Kirk: | Last Online:

Hi i'm Jordan, i'm looking for a Roaming solider, Demoman, scout 1 and a medic. Add me if you're interested. You must speak English.

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  1. Yubi-san said:

    Yo, asian guy that knows english, I am a ftp but i am better than i look. Medic is one of my best and probably soldier and pyro the second and pyro and sniper the third. Please accept me, i look forward to this, thank you for your time!

  2. Vice Versa said:

    hey i would love to join the team i have 800 hours great medic and pretty good soilder and decent scout please get back to me THANKS :)

  3. M. said:

    hello, im interested in playing solly for you, im new to comp though, how do i contact you? thanks! my profile : http://steamcommunity.com/id/lajo12345/

  4. Bardry said:

    I’d love to join. Do you guys need a medic? I’m new to comp as well, but have just under 700 hours on TF2. http://steamcommunity.com/id/bardry

  5. Demonside said:

    Hi maybe i can join? im from Bulgaria CAN speak english very well. i main scout,soldier and medic. i have over 700 hours on team fortress.I use Skype or Teamspeak.

  6. frootloops: ᴹsᴳ | said:

    Don’t know if you guys are still looking, but I’m looking for a team and wouldn’t mind joining this one. I have 550 hours on tf2 and used to have orange box on my Xbox. I’m a good soldier/scout and wouldn’t mind playing either. Steam profile link :


  7. darkmight02 said:

    Hey im in Turkey,i speak english good and i really like to join this team.But this is my first time playing something like this so i dont know the rules but i play pyro very good,im premium and i am ready to burn all spies asses.So please invite me to the team.Thanks. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198088364741

  8. Leonidas said:

    Hey not sure if you guys are still looking but I have over 800 hours and am a decent soldier as well as a medic would love to play either thanks http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198114800338/

  9. DynamoZX said:

    Hello, Currently have 2500+ hours on TF2 and looking to join a team for the first time, Most played being Soldier, Demo and Heavy. Speak proper English.

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