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Soldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Sweden klon

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi, im 23 years young and looking for a div5/4 team. English or Swedish dont matter. Want to play 2-4 times a week, but not later then 22.00cet. I have played pocket solider for lamost 99% of my carere, i guess i culd play romer, but need some time to adjust. Add me on steam for a trial.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:12483123 Add Friend

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Joined Slusk Gaming [2v2] .
Joined Moder [6v6] .
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Joined Team Transition [6v6] Tornf4lk
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Joined moder [6v6] .
Left Delete please [6v6] .
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Joined Crit Happens [Highlander] .
Joined Crit happens [6v6] .
Left Unaimed sumo [6v6] klon
Joined Unaimed sumo [6v6] EternaLi

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  1. tramsig: -><- said:

    Handles microwave ovens like a baws.

  2. . said:

    Been playing with the guy for years. He’s trustworthy, got good aim, knows his class well and will be a strong asset as soon as he has gotten used to the team. Can handle div 4 without problems and will kill you and everybody you love if you put him near a microwave oven.