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Soldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Poland Kitkat

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey guys! I'm looking for d4/5 team as soldier, I'd prefer to roam but I think I am capable of playing pocket :)
Alright something about me:
– I'm playing since 2008 (over 3300 hours)
– I use microphone quite a lot (I am very talkative)
– I don't have any problems with english comms
– I'm 19 years old
– I have some experience
– My schedule is rather flexible, this means I can play almost everyday, just let me know when 1-2 days earlier
– I am friendly to people who are not narcissistic assholes, thinking they are god knows who just becouse they play in higher div :)))
– Teamplay is not a problem for me
– I am always open for advices

That's about it. :)

Kindnest regards ;)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:34453371 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left HL2DM [Highlander] Tercio
Joined HL2DM [Highlander] Tercio
Left Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] Tercio
Joined Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] Tercio
Left div6toohard aka BETON [6v6] Kitkat
Joined div6toohard aka BETON [6v6] Kitkat
Left No more tf2 [6v6] Kitkat
Left Vaizādo [Highlander] =V= Ichigo ツ
Joined No more tf2 [6v6] Die-no RAWR
Left Czarny Lotos [6v6] Kitkat
Joined Vaizādo [Highlander] =V= Ichigo ツ
Joined Czarny Lotos [6v6] STiNGHAN
Left Tududu [6v6] Kitkat
Joined Tududu [6v6] Adrian
Left Mix & Merc [6v6] Kitkat
Left Kitkat is cool [Highlander] Kitkat
Joined Mix & Merc [6v6] Kitkat
Left Cweloza Ludzi Z Marsjan [National Highlander Team] Kitkat
Joined Kitkat is cool [Highlander] Kitkat
Joined Cweloza Ludzi Z Marsjan [National Highlander Team] Kitkat
Left Kolorowe Kredki [Highlander] Kitkat
Joined Kolorowe Kredki [Highlander] Kitkat

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View Div 4/Div 5 0 219


  1. Yeer: 2hard said:

    Very friendly player +rep ;)

  2. TBE pez: SUAVY - ; said:

    i just played with him. ez div4 mb even div3

  3. wonszu said:

    d5 ez

    A tak na powaznie, najpierw sam cos ogarniaj, potem poprawiaj innych ludzi, jakbyś był nie wiadomo kim ;)

  4. globe: SUAVY - Bianka said:

    im glad that i played with him tnght. ez 4 div

  5. thaZu said:

    Pez, I guess you can’t even say on what level each players play, when you say that d5 player plays on d3 lvl, and you play on d2/3 while you are…idk, maybe d4 or even 5?

    Quite good and nice solly. In d5 he should do well, i’m not sure if he’s good enough for d4.

  6. Mikki said:

    Realy good player , good english calls and realy friendly person GL ktt

  7. TBE pez: SUAVY - ; said:

    thaZu, all polish players are freaking good,best in eu! idk what div i can handle, prolly max div7 but prems like to play with me and its enogh for me ;)

  8. wonszu said:

    it’s sad what you’re posting pez :(

  9. Phroblem: 8-) said:


  10. msk said:


  11. supra: (Webmaster) - BIRD - BIRD said:

    “A tak na powaznie, najpierw sam cos ogarniaj, potem poprawiaj innych ludzi, jakbyś był nie wiadomo kim ;)”
    should handle div5, gl guy

  12. Bartek Waloch ... said:

    Siema mam takie pytani jak zagrać / dostać się do turniejów ? i czy przyjmie mnie ktoś do drużyny ? :) od dwóch lat ogarniam tf’a staty nigdy niższe niż KD ( 45/4 na normalnych serwerach ! ) mam mikro, praca zespołowa to pryszcz !

  13. Enjoy said:

    gl bartek <3

  14. smky said:

    Good communication, very funny man, when they’re playing with him, there is a good atmosphere. And the last one, he is really good roamer. + rep

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