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Pyro  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, Highlander

Finland Kirstu97

Posted: | Last Online:


I'm looking for a positive div 2/1 team, since Fusion is skipping at least one season. We scrimmed and won div 2 teams as well, I think I'd feel comfortable at this level. Team can be ETF2L or ETF2l & UGC.

I'm a pretty passive Pyro in my opinion, so judge accordingly. What I'd want from a team is positivity and of course the aim of becoming prem.

Feel free to add me on Steam to discuss trials and whatnot, I should be available pretty much everyday, if notified in advance.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:80380220 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Promilleraja [Highlander Fun Team] Janqe
Joined TBA [6v6] Janqe
Joined Promilleraja [6v6 Fun Team] BaaBo
Joined Fusion eSports Highlander Classic [Highlander] TheRealCalvinPWNS
Left Karitan Katalat Kanit [6v6] Kirstu97
Joined Karitan Katalat Kanit [6v6] Julletin
Left fetissiSQUAD e-Sports [6v6 Fun Team] Kirstu97
Left Actually Killed by Highlander [Highlander] Kirstu97
Left Fusion eSports 6v6 [6v6] Kirstu97
Joined Actually Killed by Highlander [Highlander] DyaWyb
Left Fusion eSports Highlander Classic [Highlander] Kirstu97
Joined fetissiSQUAD e-Sports [6v6 Fun Team] Dragonce
Left Fusion eSports Fun Team [6v6 Fun Team] Kirstu97
Joined Fusion eSports 6v6 [6v6] TheRealCalvinPWNS
Joined Fusion eSports Fun Team [6v6 Fun Team] TheRealCalvinPWNS
Left fetissiSQUAD e-Sports [6v6 Fun Team] Kirstu97
Left rip finski team [6v6] Kirstu97
Joined fetissiSQUAD e-Sports [6v6 Fun Team] Dragonce
Joined rip finski team [6v6] Dragonce
Joined Fusion eSports Highlander Classic [Highlander] TheRealCalvinPWNS

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High 6 299
View Div 6 4 380


  1. Max: Fusion said:

    Beast pyro, knows what he is doin’ and he has his priorities right

  2. TheRealCalvinPWNS: Fusion - Fusion said:

    My favorite finnish person :D
    Is actually really good at the flame person class.
    Pick him up so he can make me proud!

  3. Chomik: Fusion said:

    Best toasts EU

  4. madman1896: Fusion said:

    hes gooooood

  5. Julez said:

    Saved my ass many times

  6. Pothenar: Let it rip said:

    Amazingly nice guy and can easily do div 2 pyro with his eyes closed.

  7. BaaBo: 124 - -Xe- said:

    Played against him few times, he’s a spies nightmare. He also has one of the best pyro DM I know of. You should pick him up as soon as possible :) He’s an awesome guy and I wish i could hang out with him more :)

  8. Karx: EPP - ㄕサ said:

    Really nice pyro, sick shotgun aim+nice positioning

  9. DyaWyb: (ETF2L Donator) - Let it rip said:

    Has really good shotgun aim ( has he used flare ever???). And as he said kirstu is passive pyro, wont roam a lot. But he sure is dedicated to kill the spy :D Chased me from upward first to their spawn ( he was defending)!!!!

    As a spy I would say he has been the most annoying pyro I have faced so pick him up and stop spies for killing your team !

  10. Mr. Guy: *fast - §GOLD said:

    I wouldn’t say chasing a spy so far and long is a good trait, but I’m not a pyro main.

    I’m just wondering why fusion didn’t win d3 when all their players are apparently d2 or higher.

  11. Jaakarhu said:

    chases spy a bit too much but otherwise he should do well at this level


  12. ekkelund: sirkkels said:

    Don’t even waste your time in div 2 just go for 1. By far the best pyro I’ve ever played with.

  13. fonexi.a said: