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Scout  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Ireland Apoc

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I'm Irish, I play scout, I'm looking for a team (obviously).
First off, ignore my etf2l name, I'm Apoc (profile link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197972274764/).

Played a small bit of 6s years (and years) ago, recently got back into it.

Played Div6 last season, want something a bit more competitive for next season.
Play a lot of mixes with friends who have their own Div5 team, and failing that get games through the Double mix groups on steam. Think I could catch up enough to compete in Div4, but gonna play it safe and go with Div5 for now:

I'm looking for a team that:
– practices/mixes multiple times a week
– is looking to really compete in Div 5 (i.e. finish first/second in their group)
– is always trying to improve
– chilled/positive atmopshere on mumble

I have:
– Decent DM,
– Good game sense, tactical knowledge
– Communicate well,
– Don't die trying to get picks when the team doesn't need them (!!),
– Competitive, but pretty relaxed and up for a laugh in mumble,

I'm playing mixes or MGE most nights of the week at the moment, so usually free for a trial whenever.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:12009036 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Lynch Mob [6v6] Apoc
Joined Lynch Mob [6v6] Apoc
Left Playstuff [6v6] Apoc
Joined Playstuff [6v6] Apoc
Joined Playstuff [Highlander] almightybob

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  1. AngryPotato said:

    I would trust Apoc to eat a whole cup of jelly without making too much of a mess!

  2. Xearo: GTD said:

    Very solid scout with great DM. Eager to improve, has good gamesense and communication. Would snatch him up if we had a space, would do well in div 5.

  3. MotsMan said:

    Pick him up

  4. almightybob: .ps said:

    Very nice guy and a solid scout. He has good aim, and very good gamesense. He is also an excellent spy and sniper when he offclasses, so can be very versatile and flexible. He has tons of potential and can go far with the right team. We will be sad to see him go but I look forward to seeing the heights he can reach :)