ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Scout  Prem Skill, 6v6

European Yoyotech

Posted by Royze: | Last Online:

Since SuperFly has some real life shit, we're lookin for a new scout.
What do we need?
– Good calls
– Be a nice guy (humor included!)
– PERMIER skill level!
pm me only if you meet the requierments above via steam http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197975801195

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View High- 7 820
View High- 27 1854
View High 26 2753
View Mid+ 34 2061


  1. mineral: [kpwr] said:

    Sick team and good guys :) GL

  2. illii said:

    vaxjo! If anyone can convince him, its the swede.

  3. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    ViQun or Koeitje!

  4. Killchain said:

    ow :D so just 32 left ;D gl guys

  5. MOOSTAMUUI said:


  6. huhystah said:

    Koeitje (cunt) or reveral?

  7. Mike: TEZC said:


  8. algiosh said:


  9. algiosh said:

    also inlove of wltrs & royze
    gl boys :P

  10. sKaz: KP said:

    add me if you are interested

  11. CommanderX: (ETF2L Donator) - TEZC said:


  12. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    Hi i have permier skill level :D

    Sorry for bad joke, gl

  13. AnimaL said:

    obv koeitje

  14. Hat said:

    absolutely awesome guys :)

  15. torden: broder - syster said:

    Good luck, guys

  16. Seduce: CA said:

    take anyone just not koeitje

  17. DroSoPhiLe: o/ said:

    Viqun tbh.

  18. GibbZ: WOOOOO! said:

    Just clone wltrs and win the internets

  19. Sir Remix: frø - DANMARK said:

    you need a new dane then

  20. Lenny said:

    yoyotech woo

  21. SuperFly-: DANMARK said:

    Hey lads. Royze were out waving his leader flag abit early. If anyone care about the what the reason is that my job is killing me atm. and i need to get more free time. gonne see how tings turn out after december. So we’re not looking for a scout just yet. But please do contact us if you think you have what it takes :)

  22. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    rofl super, it’s ok to rage quit a video game..
    no need to justify your ‘case’ :/
    good luck Royki <3

  23. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:

    They got Admirable, what else would you need in a team?

  24. Taimou said:

    hi take me

  25. flix: n2o said:


  26. Matt: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Can never replace Super.

  27. Mike: TEZC said:

    bump :)

  28. LuckyLuke: UbeR | said:

    pick me! pick me!

    j/k ;p

  29. antyy: 2ne1 said:



  30. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    Wouldn’t join them, they have Royze :/

  31. LuckyLuke: UbeR | said:

    I wasn’t kidding actually.

  32. sKaz: KP said:

    uh uuh !! me me me1!!
    pick me guys me!!!
    please i am prem div 1 srsyl!!!!

  33. sKaz: KP said:

    no, seriously, me.
    no clans and i’m getting bored.