Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6
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Hey i'm Jr(call me J.R.).
I used to play div4 solly back in s10 and around div4/5 scout but i quit and had a rather long break.
I'd like to get back into the game as either scout or solly ;)
Add me on steam: turner_jr if you want a better chat :P
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View | Div 5 | 11 | 452 |
He was the leader of Colin McRae Pro Amateur Hour.. nuff said
pick him up :)
He’s called Angus… LOL…
Hes a decent guy, strong dm – give him a shot :)
Really strong player who is underestimating himself imo. Give him a shot and I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.
Good luck :))
I’ve heard hes a pretty cool guy <3
Thanks guys, Bump :>
best soldier ever, would carry in prem, glhf
but yeah easy div4, probably higher once he gets playing, amazing person too
fantastic soldier
even better as a person
was top div 4 pushing div 3 when he stopped playing so don’t fuck about and ask him to join if you’re d5 he’ll just get bored/carry your dick
carried the fuck out of us in colin mcrae tbh
Good soldier! Good luck :]
Jr. 2strong, you must have no brain if you don’t pick him up