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Soldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Jörge

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking to join a team as roamer at div4/5, been playing at that standard for a little while and I think I've done ok :)

Looking for a friendly team, preferably English speaking but I don't mind trying to learn bits of another language for calls :D
I'm 21 and from the UK.

Can be available most evenings.
Also happy to play scout for a div 5/6 team.

Add me for trials :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:46427252 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Auto Anime [6v6] Dendocror
Left Pipe Dreams [6v6] Jörge
Joined Pipe Dreams [6v6] ehdoo
Left Something to do with bears [6v6] EssEs
Joined Get This Fun [6v6 Fun Team] Jörge
Joined 36 [2v2] Jörge
Joined Something to do with bears [6v6] Jörge
Left Auto Anime [6v6] Jörge
Joined Auto Anime [6v6] Jörge
Left Rich and Spoiled [6v6] Jörge
Joined Rich and Spoiled [6v6] Jörge
Left Offclass Utd. [6v6] Jörge
Joined Offclass Utd. [6v6] Jörge
Left Team Vertex: Herp Derp Edition [6v6] Jörge
Joined Team Vertex: The Derping 9 Edition [Highlander] Jörge
Joined Team Vertex: Herp Derp Edition [6v6] Jörge

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 5/Div 6 1 195
View Div 6 5 279


  1. Dendocror: idd. - ~MOE~ said:

    George told me to be honest here so I will be.

    George is one of the nicest guys to have on mumble. Always up for a laugh and good fun to play with. Regarding his skill, he’s definitely at a div5 level, div4 could be achievable but would be pushing it, I say try him out first.

    Super keen guy who deserves to be in a team with other keen individuals. If put in a stable team, I can see him going a long way.

    Good luck mate!

  2. Hazo: GTD said:

    George can easily handle div 5 solly. Great fun to have in mumble.
    Always keen to improve and talk tactics. Hope you get a great team George ;)

  3. Mads said:

    nice guy, good player, has an obsession for k-pop, j-pop etc..

    What more could you want

    Pick him up


  4. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    better than esses

  5. EssEs said:

    He will always ask if the sister of a player in your team is fit

  6. Xearo: GTD said:

    georgey <3

    george is a really solid roamer, can handle div4 if you give him enough play time to stop playing CS:GO. :D

  7. Minus said:

    Great Solly and scout, Get this fucking yoda on the team! You Wont regret it!

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