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Soldier  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Latvia Izziii

Posted: | Last Online:

I am looking for an active team, I can play almost every day from 18 till 23 CET . I would prefer playing as a pocket soldier. Add me on steam !

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:40455134 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Latvia [National 6v6 Team] Kilgors
Left Latvia [National Highlander Team] Dr.kaka6ka
Joined Latvia [National Highlander Team] Izziii
Left Latvia [National Highlander Team] atomic-
Left 2stronk [6v6] Izziii
Joined 2dizzy [1v1] Izziii
Joined 2stronk [6v6] Izziii
Left Fair Enough [Highlander] Flood
Joined Fair Enough [Highlander] Izziii
Left The Bulgarists [6v6] Izziii
Left sPectators [Highlander] Izziii
Joined The Bulgarists [6v6] Izziii
Left Politically correct pander [6v6] Izziii
Joined Latvia [National 6v6 Team] Izziii
Joined Latvia [National Highlander Team] Izziii
Joined Politically correct pander [6v6] Hildreth
Joined sPectators [Highlander] Mandarins
Joined 2stronk [2v2] atomic-
Left The eXteam [6v6] LuckyLuke
Joined The eXteam [6v6] doks
Left 2stronk [6v6] Izziii
Joined 2stronk [6v6] uuberis
Left Profesors [6v6 Fun Team] Izziii
Joined Profesors [6v6 Fun Team] refuze

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 2 6 394


  1. lgl said:

    Played with him few times ;) hes pretty good and he has gamesens… he dont rage.

  2. PineBerry High: sdt said:

    its been while when i played with him, atm i have played only mge with him – beast, take him, hes non-rager.
    GL finding team. :)

  3. doks said:

    coolest voice ever, totally layed back and calm.
    Shouldnt have problems at div2 at all

  4. monkye: Gutta said:

    Played with MGE IZNICINATAJS few times coolest voice ever totally layed back and calm ;) hes pretty good and he has gamesens… he dont rage cuz 2stronk.

  5. atomic said:

    mature gamer with the most hottest voice I’ve ever heard :]]]]]
    his aim is really decent and his gamesense is 2stronk
    gl Izziiiņ

  6. Grc: . said:

    Only latvian comments :D

  7. uubers: gg - gandhi is said:

    xD want some russian comments you little fag? xD

  8. PineBerry High: sdt said:


    Better comments then no comments, atleast not like when u wrote that rec post. :)

  9. uubers: gg - gandhi is said:

    grc is just mad cus he is bad rofl

  10. Grc: . said:

    grc vs uubers on mge 20:9,div 5 pwned div 2 =)

  11. Grc: . said:

    uubers why u are so mad?)

  12. PineBerry High: sdt said:

    lol what does that has to do with izziii`s rec post?

  13. Grc: . said:

    izzii gl in div 2-3!

  14. Tardus: ez-sports.ru said:

    dobry gracz
    here, polish comment fags

  15. PineBerry High: sdt said:


  16. Tardus: ez-sports.ru said:

    no u

  17. uubers: gg - gandhi is said:

    grc thats the reason why u are div5 hahhaahahahh

  18. Grc: . said:

    nice joke =)

  19. PineBerry High: sdt said:

    that wasnt joke. =)

  20. Crab said:

    Grc, es jau neko nesaku, bet num, normāls daunis esi, ja miljons stundas mge esi sēdējis un joprojām nemāki spēlēt :D;d bet nemīz, tu man referendumā atriebsies, oh no wait.. 8) nedirs daudz, izziņš normāls vecis, gl ;)
    nice, ka latviešu rec postos vienmēr kāds kādu apceļ :D vienīgā lieta kāpēc šiten vēl verts kādreiz iegriezties :D

  21. atomic said:

    atomiks arī te!!!!
    Krabi, kāds referendums, viņam 12 vai 13 gadi…

  22. ince said:

    Tššš. viņš ir AUTO-AIRSHOT grupā. Tas ir pizdec ahueno!

  23. PineBerry High: sdt said:

    ai tak viņš dirsā drāsts jenots ir, vai ne grc?
    huj v ačkah, padla.
    Un bļe grc, tak beidz šeit rakstīt. Nevienam nepiš tas, ka tu sūkātājs esi.

  24. Grc: . said:

    Crab, i didn’t play with you and u didn’t play with me.HOW CAN U SAY SOMETHING ABOUT MY SKILL?If u want to say something about my skill we can play pcw with your team =)

  25. Grc: . said:

    A ince pizdabol tolko i umeet kak podlizivat’ atomicu da uubersu

  26. Grc: . said:

    I think it’s Izzi’s recruitment post and our spamming there is so bad so stop it and let’s be friends :D

  27. ince said:

    grc ,you are little clown who are talking to much :)

  28. PineBerry High: sdt said:

    friends + internet? Are u nolifer? and youre the one whoes tripple posting, so stfu.

  29. Archivalds: 105 said:

    Grc tu manās acīs esi kļuvis tik populārs.
    Piedod izzii es par tevi neko labu nevaru pateikt, jo nēesmu ar tevi spēlējis :(.
    Anyway gl in finding team!

  30. Grc: . said:

    Ledza u are idiot because u continue posting here like idiot. So stfu and play in your highlander team

  31. ince said:

    grc, you too. Kid.

    I think Izzii just dont care about us and he’ll repost the recruitment… or no :D

    Anyway, gl in searching team :)

  32. Ghostface: spire said:

    Latvia circlejerk gogo.

  33. Grc: . said:

    Ince u said u are div 3/4 and u said your team is div 2/3 and now u drop,so you suck =)

  34. Crab said:


    1) Man nav komandas, tf2 vairs īpaši nespēlēju un definitive pievienojos kā backups, kurš spēlē reizi mēnesī vai divos. Un man nemaz nav lielas vajadzības tev kko pierādīt, nedz arī skaitīt, reizināt un dalīt divīzijas kā tu to dažos savos komentos dari :D sēdi un priecājies tālāk.
    2) Par tavu skillu es spriežu pēc tā, ka tu, redz, ūberu vai ko tur esot baigi sasitis MGE, bet pats joprojām nespēj par div5 augstāk tikt :D secinājums – tu neesi pārāk gudrs spēlētājs ;d;D
    3) Rēcīgi, ka tu raksti visu angļu valodā, vēlies, iespējams velies, lai visi redzētu kāds tu vecis esi un kādi tev bosu argumenti ir, bet nesanāk – tu izskaties vienkārši pēc muļķa ;)
    4) Tu savā pēdējā triple postā runā par to, ka nevajadzētu spamot, wtf?:D
    5) Man, piemēram, ir jautri, un man patīk bumpot šito rec postu.

  35. PineBerry High: sdt said:

    grc, pis taisni un nolec no klints.

  36. ince said:

    grc, you are blind or dumb? I didnt say that my team is div2/3 LOL :D Ofcrs I suck. You are higher than I’am. DIV5 GERC AUTO-AIRSHOT GONNA OWN ALL!!!11

  37. Grc: . said:

    okay ince okay =)
    Жалко тебя что ты теперь это отрицаеш див3-4 медик и хороший коллер xD

  38. Grc: . said:

    Инс-гавнинс соснул в 4 диве с командой “2-3 дива”

  39. Natijs :o) said:

    debīlie dauņi

  40. Sc said:


  41. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    What ghostface said.

  42. Skrillex said:

    i would like to join, how i can

  43. Grc: . said:

    skrillex u can’t :D

  44. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    Skrillex asks players if he can join them… wrong section m8.

  45. ince said:

    Grc, ti ne znaesh prichin togo chto mi proigrali po deff loosam i dropnulisj. poetomu zakroj ebalce svojo maleņkoje :)

  46. Natijs :o) said:

    KONY 2012

  47. Tardus: ez-sports.ru said:

    less drama, or atleast try to do it in english coz i also want to laugh about grc )

  48. uubers: gg - gandhi is said:

    english is too difficult for us russians :(

  49. PineBerry High: sdt said:

    Grc is just a little kid whos retarded, and eats little fishdicks.
    And thats not funny, when some1 is retarded like him, we should help him, but…. naah hes
    just a little retard.

    Grc, jump from a cliff, just go die. :)

    BTW – Grc, tak aizpiss savu seju, un izdzēs tf2, tāpat arī aizmirsti par šo adresi, kuce.

  50. Grc: . said:

    Ledza div 6 start saying something about my skill ROFL ROFL ROFL u are so funny latvian trolls :3

  51. ince said:

    omg. Grc, why you always talking about div? I think that your little brain can’t invent sth. wise… Just stfu little mistake of evolution.

  52. PineBerry High: sdt said:

    grc, u funny. :DDD
    if im div 6, then why im leaving div 6 teams? fag face!
    get over youre divs, fcker.

  53. Grc: . said:

    why u are leaving div 6 teams,because u suck :3

  54. Grc: . said:

    Ince u said our team is division 2/3 and you are division 4/3 now u are sucker without team so gtfo :)

  55. Kinyu: popkõrns said:

    Who the fuck is Grc?

    Izzii is reliable, can shoot pixels and will be in serious mode all the time :|

    I won him in MGE tho

  56. PineBerry High: sdt said:

    bļe grc, tu nahuj esi bērnība pa daudz dirstā drāsts kropli, bļe nesaproti, ka tevi nevienam nevaig
    smīrdīgais dirslaizi, tak ej nomirti gaili BĻE!

  57. ince said:

    grc clown…

  58. degs said:


  59. AnimaL said:

    mid+ @ l4d2

  60. uubers: gg - gandhi is said:


  61. Grc: . said:

    Me? Kid? U still trying to troll in 5v1 and u can’t u are so bad so stfu and play in your div 6.Specialy for uubers, your aim is div 2-1 your tactics is div 2-1 but u are 16 years old and u still are dumb so stfu =)

  62. ince said:

    :DDDDDDDDDD SAID GRC 15 y.o. kid. Find a girlfriend, dumb fail of evolution

  63. Grc: . said:

    mad cuz bad =)

  64. Grc: . said:

    ince u don’t have girlfriend too so u are the second dumb fail of evolution :P

  65. lis: aqeze said:

    Gl Izzii

    P.S.: Grc не позорься пожалуйста!

  66. Grc: . said:

    Лис я просто не понимаю вот толку что они в 6 на меня налетают пытаются выебнутся но у них ничего не выходит?Вот обьясни зачем?)

  67. PineBerry High: sdt said:

    grc, nahuj tu vēl spēli neesi izdzēsis? Nahuj tu bļe te vēl raksti, padla? Un wtf? šitas nav tavs
    rec posts, takā nahuj tu te tik daudz spamo?

  68. uubers: gg - gandhi is said:

    im not 16 lol im 13 get your facts straight hahahaha

  69. Grc: . said:

    Ledza look at your messages and crab and uubers so u are spammers and u don’t respect izziii so continue spamming and show your mad side =)

  70. PineBerry High: sdt said:

    why the fuck you keep talking? Just STFU and all will be ok, if u whine about that when were

  71. Crab said:

    Grc, 2 komenti bija no tiem 70, kuros vairums tu ar ledzu tur ņēmies, tiešām spamoju te kā traks:). Nejauc mani savos komentāros, ja nerunā tieši ar mani.
    Kādā ziņā nerespektēju Izzi? Es norm viņam bumpoju rec. postu :D
    Tu jau vecīt tas dusmīgais te esi ;)
    Labi vecīt, nestreso, peace :D

  72. rev said:

    GRC, If you won’t stop writing shit, I’ll be taking bath in the blood of your FUCKING RUSSIAN DEGRADED FAMILY. Don’t read comments of that kid(grc), his stepfather fucked him everynight, so he could sleep easy.

    Btw. Great player.

  73. Grc: . said:

    7v1 nice trolling people =)

  74. Natijs :o) said:


  75. ince said:

    oooh. Poor grc, don’t cry. If you were smart and polite , you won’t be trolled by 7 ppl.

  76. Grc: . said:

    Не выёбывайся гавнинc :D :D

  77. Grc: . said:

    Тебе напомнить как над тобой все ржали когда я тебе все выссказал?)