ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Scout  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

England izaak²²

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking for an English speaking team who are fairly relaxed but also willing to improve and play fairly regularly, recently left definitive due to other commitments etc, good luck to them :)

I'm 15, but I'd like to think I'm more mature than most 15 year old people on TF2
Able to play most nights, although I'm currently in the midst of exams, so I'm looking for a team who would understand when I can't play due to revision etc.
I will definitely be wanting to participate in season 12, however if you're not currently competing in league but you're playing at a div 5 level I'm fine with that.

Add me for a chat if you're interested, cheers.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:54333837 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Player Haters of the Year [6v6] HBFS
Joined Player Haters of the Year [6v6] HBFS
Left Team IKEA [6v6] izaak²²
Joined Call it something fun - smultron 2014 [6v6 Fun Team] HBFS
Left Spotted Dick [6v6 Fun Team] izaak²²
Joined Team IKEA [6v6] ManTouched
Joined Spotted Dick [6v6 Fun Team] Lyrete
Left Chocolate Teapot eSports [6v6] izaak²²
Left Nice hitreg valve [1v1] izaak²²
Joined Nice hitreg valve [1v1] izaak²²
Joined Chocolate Teapot eSports [6v6] izaak²²
Left Player Haters of the Year [6v6] Team mate
Left Team Par! #swag [Highlander] izaak²²
Joined Player Haters of the Year [6v6] izaak²²
Left Team Colonslash: Par! [6v6] izaak²²
Joined Team Par! #swag [Highlander] izaak²²
Joined Team Colonslash: Par! [6v6] izaak²²

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Open/Mid 0 162
View Div 4/Div 5 15 444


  1. aNxiety: TC.Par! said:

    Ignore any comments from noobs cos there will be some. The only jailbait person I liek talking to, considerign I’m 19 and he’s 15 I’d never expect us to get along but he’s an absolute legend. Can easily handle d5 on his day when he’s not sitting on his thumb. Love him so much! xoxoxoxox

  2. Jonny said:

    he likes cuddles so i like him
    easily d5 pick him up cause its sad not to see him in a team :(

  3. Handy Gandhi said:

    yo bro, raj here.


    Raj out.