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DemomanScout  Open Skill, 6v6

European invaliduser

Posted by dstny: | Last Online:

Looking for newer players looking to get into comp

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  1. Valoo said:

    I can go demo for the team. Do tryouts etc. 18 year old, add me on steam so we can discuss via dm.

  2. gravity said:

    Hello, I would like to fill up the space for demo in this team i have about 600 hours in this game of witch over 70 hours are on demo. Some of my friends have told me that i learn quick it had been a nature of mine. I am not saying that i would be a god at demo all I am saying is that i will do my best and while doing so have fun. I would appreciate it if you would recruit me and will be grateful.

  3. Darklobo: sR! said:

    I can go scout, have 5 years of experience in competitive. Check my profile: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/50485/

  4. FuseBox said:

    +2k hours some experience id like to join as scout or solly thank you :)

  5. Black: Team said:

    Can prob play demo. I’m trialing for another team atm, hmu, i think i won’t get recruit. Good dm. trash gamesense. decent english. have discord. Hl main but still played some 6s seasons.

  6. ΣlιxιR said:

    Decent scout, want to improve my skills, would appreciate a chance

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