ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Mid/Open Skill, 6v6

European Instense Gaming

Posted by .strix: | Last Online:

Hello we are a team, we aim to open playoffs.

We are currently searching for:


We want from you is:
– Gamesense
– DM
– Will to improve
– One season in open (at least)
– Mumble

Wat can we bring to you:
– Cool mates
– Italian Memes
– Memes
– Did i mention memes ?

We can handle no more than 3 player for each class

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  1. 2010wolf Obp.tf2 said:

    I usually play medic the most, and i’m pretty good with him.
    i use the crossbow, quickfix (i feel more comfortable using the quickfix, i can also use other mediguns when asked).
    i never joined a team before, it will be nice to do so…

    I also play solly and sniper, but i’m not confidante enough to play them in competitive, even tho i’m pretty good with them.

  2. c4tty: tt' said:

    i want to joion a comp team and this is a good team for me, i want to improve as roamer. most of the time i get hated by my voice (cause im 11 years old) if its a problem. i main roamer and i have very good game sense, im able to join a team but i dont know if its a problem with school, cause of my free times. i hope you’d like my attention to Team Fortress 2 and that i can play for you guys

  3. 404 name not found said:

    Hey I’m a 15 year old portuguese soldier main (roamer) I only have one season of ugc steel but I’m trying to sub for a team to get some experience before getting into one as a main player I have over 100 hours on soldier and over 1000 in tf2, I don’t really know your schedules so I will add Jugger to discuss that because it might conflict with school or my hockey practice. Thank you for your time.