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DemomanPyroScoutSniperSoldier  Open Skill, Highlander

International insomniac ✡

Posted: | Last Online:

Already played more than 2000hours competitive in csgo and more than 200hours in cod4.
I'm enjoying to play as soldier>scout>sniper.

Feel free to send me a message.
Also looking for UGC Iron team.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:68957833 Add Friend

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  1. PdH said:

    hope this is a troll

  2. nole: BWB said:

    I think you should learn a bit about this league before you join a team..

  3. Just1s: AVN said:

    Dude please understand that playing csgo and cod4 comp won’t make you very good at other games. Maybe you will have a decent aim, but you won’t suddenly learn how comp side of this game works. So start from “Open” skill level.

  4. Popcorp said:

    I’m handling it boys, don’t worry :^)