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Spy  High/Mid Skill, 6v6

Germany infinitecodes

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello im a Spy main with 250 hours on Spy and total of 1181 hours on TF2 and im looking for a good team.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:236275737 Add Friend

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  1. res: op_sqd said:

    A: If you wanna play spy you should look for a Highlander Team.
    B: If you are entirely unexperienced in comp, you should give the open div a try first :P

  2. Vetle said:

    probably prem and can most likely carry with spy in 6s

  3. TK_: MILKY said:

    you shouldnt look for high/mid, hes just straight out 6s prem spy

  4. Harry: Nah - :Blinky: said:

    Ignore the people being dickheads. However, as Res said, spy is for highlander as he is too weak to be played full time in 6s. Also, as you’re just starting out, you will want to look for a team in Open. You’ll need experience before playing in mid or ahove. Good luck :)

    To the people being making fun of him for not knowing any better: stop. There is no point. You’re just potential alienating new players, and being mean for no good reason. You also don’t explain why you’re joking about it, which it worse. Grow up.

  5. Harry: Nah - :Blinky: said:

    Ignore the typos, tired and mobile.

  6. MERPY: GHOST said:

    trial for m y team

  7. TK_: MILKY said:

    https://tf2center.com , try this place

  8. Vetle said:

    Mr British: Alex – pizza said:

    Today, 18:27

    Ignore the people being dickheads. However, as Res said, spy is for highlander as he is too weak to be played full time in 6s. Also, as you’re just starting out, you will want to look for a team in Open. You’ll need experience before playing in mid or ahove. Good luck :)

    To the people being making fun of him for not knowing any better: stop. There is no point. You’re just potential alienating new players, and being mean for no good reason. You also don’t explain why you’re joking about it, which it worse. Grow up.

    big cop fixing the problems

  9. Harry: Nah - :Blinky: said:

    A nice and mature reply there Vetle.

  10. D3dZone said:

    Ehm… this must be a joke right?

  11. samii: myx - SUCK said:

    I seen this guy and he is nuts

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