ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Demoman  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

European Inadequacy

Posted by Dahlbeck: | Last Online:

Team iq currently for 1 demoman

we can offer:
Non raging friendly environment
a good will to improve

What we want from you:
Good comms
Good deathmatch skills

Contact hycz on steam for more information

peace out

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  1. UberLoFF: bobs said:


  2. v1ruuz said:

    m4tu fake norwegian~~~estonian/russki

  3. konr said:

    Moony’s Russian.

  4. . said:

    not gonan rage @ you konr, but you rlly make yourself and all ppl from Uk look stupid when it comes to geography;) mby instead of playing video games go back to school or something;) you may actually learn few thing…
    and don’t mad tamponBOY ;)

  5. konr said:

    sorry in English pls
    i can’t read rus

  6. . said:

    oh let me speak in your language then: tamp, tampon,tam tam, tampon in my comp, tam tam??

  7. Dahlbeck said:

    konr and matu, there is no need to argue here tbh thanks

  8. Vanilla_Mi: F! said:


  9. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    I always thought Hycz is the combination out of Hymzi and hocz like Rybben :o

  10. Dahlbeck said:

    Preatty much what everyone say :p

  11. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:

    http://konr.co.uk/ donate.

  12. . said:

    donate and you will get a free tampon for free, and 2 if your donate is bigger than 1 dollar

  13. rts: PrettyGay said:

    donate and you will get a free tampon for free

  14. The Reverend said:

    Yeah, kids trolling… fun. Team is searching for new members, and you can’t respect that ?
    You’re like – My parents pay for internet, I’ll post some shit and will be funny. People will laugh of sarcasm.

  15. konr said:

    The Reverend: Tampo-tamp?

  16. Vanilla_Mi: F! said:

    HYcz is still fucking upset on mumble

    ON TOPIC: Hycz is a sick (tf2) gamer div3 sounds about right @_@

  17. The Reverend said:

    Korn ? Didn’t understood your stupid logic. Sorry for that. Maybe you can explain it to me.

  18. konr said:

    Korn is a band

  19. The Reverend said:

    Oh, sorry, I misspelled it wrong. Cornflakes….

  20. atomic said:


  21. Speedfreak said:

    oi! Matu and konr you both seem very intressted in tampoons, go open up a shop together, you’ll do fine, both of you. anyways… cool team, at least matu and uberloff dont know the rest and i prolly never will, cheers. g’nite

  22. konr said:

    Man the tampoons!

  23. TviQ: ft. - 007 said:

    oi HYCZ de är bråk du får ta å styra upp mannen

  24. konr said:
