ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Scout  Low+ Skill, 6v6

Latvia 2stronk

Posted by NoScope: | Last Online:

We have now reformed for 2010 with a new approach to the console side of Esport Gaming. While developing this we also hope to reform the PC teams. This is already coming together with COD4 and TF2. We hope to be in the top rankings soon on PS3 and the Xbox 360. The teams will be competing on COD4, MW2 and Fifa 10.

We have very high expectations and will strive to compete at the highest level possible.

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  1. kittiesgomad said:

    low+ is not the highest level possible. but still gl with your search or whatever this is..

  2. Insaniac: LZ.War - |LZ| said:

    We just start low+ m8 :)

  3. . said:

    I would like to apply, added you.

  4. Fodi said:

    Just to clarify: are you searching for a tf2 squad there or simply individual players to get together? :)

  5. Insaniac: LZ.War - |LZ| said:

    TF2 players :)