ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Medic  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European ImpacT! GaMing!

Posted by kriD: | Last Online:

ImpacT! Are looking for players, a medic. If you want to trial, add me, Kruzey. The Trial Will Be Held In A Mix! We're Starting a Div 6 team, Hopefully To Do Good In Div 6. We Need Nice People With Decent DM. As Long As Your DM (unless you are a medic ^^) Is Good, We Can Help You Improve With Us, So As Long As You Got Some Experience You're Good To Go. Add Kruzey To Talk.

Fluent In English
Decent Game Sence
Good Experience
Not To Be Too Critical About Mistakes
Online Nearly Everyday
Check Group Profile, To See If We Have Scrims Or Officials

Add Me! http://steamcommunity.com/id/Pony007

Steam Group! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ImpactTF2

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  1. VinuJ said:

    Hey Shrewm, im Vinu and I am a div 6 scout. I have not played any officials yet but I have played many mixes pickups etc. I believe I have the potential needed as the team I joined a few weeks back has not satisfied me and we have not been practicing and playing scrims. I just want a team that I can play well with, have fun and do well at the same time :) I believe I can be the right scout for that so please trial me :) I have many people who could give you some advice or insights about me my DM is pretty good its just the experience part ive been constantly working on with pickups but now I need some proper matches so im hoping this is the team for me and it will be successful unlike the one im in where the leader doesnt care at all. Thank You for reading this :)

    I added you on steam too :)

  2. ketem: mzn - mstlm said:

    Hello ;) my name’s Tattos I do not have a perfect English accent but I speak it pretty good. I play for fun, so I wont be that critical about mistakes what I would probably do is just ask or give advice to who ever made the ‘mistake’. I’m playing TF2 almost every day, I would really like to improve. I’m often playing as Medic and Demo at lobbys / mixs. I would like to play as demo on this team! :) Good Luck making decisions.

  3. Maxgomerish said:

    Hey my name is Bonkinator, I’m fluent in English but I have a accent, I have good experience, I’m nice and I’m not critical about mistakes, I’m online everday. I’ve been told I could play as a div 3 scout, so if I could join this team I would like to be scout. thanks I also added you

  4. Nino7771: SFT said:

    Hello I’m Nino and I’m intrested in the scout position.I have good english and my favourite class its the scout like I have been training!I’m div 5/6 and I play TF2 like almost 5 or 6 times per week!Feel free to check my stats If intrested :)

  5. Samski: MPREG - DBLE said:

    Hi there I’m Tyrone and I’m interested in the medic position. Played a lot of scrims on pickup and practised with a team closely often subbing for their scrims and mixes! I play TF2 everyday and will work my ass off to make sure we win whichever div we’re in! My main calling is pretty good although and obviously that will only improve as I get to know the team. Message me on steam name : Nutta Tyrone and I’ll be happy to trial if need be! Cheers :)

  6. Seven Lions: Dr+// said:

    Hey,Im Sevenlions,i won already won div 6 as engi(9v9) and as demoman(6v6) but at the end of the season I change to medic,Im looking for new team,Im playing competitive tf2 for 1.5 years, I can main call if needed,as i said i have pretty big expiries as medic and its looks like a team that can go on for few seasons.
    I hope you will add me for trials,i can play almost any day any hour like a good nerd,soon is hanoka holiday ill be available 24/7.


  7. AMPER said:

    I can be medic