ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanScoutSniper  Low+ Skill, 6v6

European 4FRAGS

Posted by Josh: | Last Online:

Hello all trying myself in this area of the recruitment section so let\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s see how it goes:

I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ve recently been given clan leader of the tf2 squad for individual minds

We are searching:
1 soldier recruited (DON\'T add me for these 2 classes now unless u can be a backup allrounder)
1 medic recruited
1x demo
2x scouts

-We are looking for players with experience in div5,
-Be active,
-We will be having tactic sessions so being active will be a big priority,
PCW\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s will be on the regular days Sunday-Thursday unless u have something on one of those days then we\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ll sort something out.
-Have good clear English comms
-USE your microphone!
-Have a stable ping
-Be able to take criticism and give it as well,

Match all these then don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t hesitate to add me on steam here http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198000517102 or drop into#iMinds.tf2 IRC channel(would prefer it)

What we offer
-A ts3 server which will be up in a few days,
-A match server won\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t be provided straight away but will be soon,

Also: Do not add me and screw things up because it will waste my time, your time and every1 else\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s.

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  1. achy said:

    This clan is not a 2week wounder, i am the clan manager atm helping out till they get on there feet. This is a new multi gaming clan. http://www.team-iminds.org/ (NOT FINISHED)

    Dedi box is being ordered at the end of the month. This clan really will not fold, but please be aware that the setting up of all teams will take time. as josh says, not time wasters. PM joshh

  2. GodOfFail said:

    lol your steam profile is private…
    I was tested into a low+ team for Medic in saturday and they thought i was good enough,but they rejected me due to high ping. Server was in Finland. in Germany/UK/France and all i will have a stable ping.
    So trial me k? :)

  3. FuguFish: Perilous said:

    Don’t know how long you guys can wait but I should be free in a week or so and can trial. Haven’t played that much comp tf2 but I believe I should be at least low+ so you’ll just have to trust me and see. Add me on steam and we can arrange something.

    (Also I noticed that you guys are going to have a hon team. Willing to trial for that also in a week, small amounts of comp experience, 1675psr-ish 0% EM atm.)

  4. FuguFish: Perilous said:

    Meant to say…will trial for scout maybe solly.
    We really need to get an editing function here

  5. huhystah said:

    josh is cuban pete

  6. Wlkr: ? - ¤_¤ said:

    Nice guy who seems dedicated to improving as a player. Im sure his attitude towards his team is no different. Has a lot to offer and starting a team with him would be great fun. Good luck.

  7. lolage: TSPAG said:

    gl josh

  8. Joshhh: MANDEM - LEGO said:

    Thanks for comments guys <3 huhy is the only person to realize that :DDD

  9. Orchid: |=3 said:

    Got Refused without even getting a chance to be tested, dammit. (-.-)

  10. Orchid: |=3 said:

    Had to do some talking, but I`ve got my trial :)
    The guys behing it all seem nice!

  11. fakado said:

    I’ve added you for Scout

  12. . said:

    Orchid, they though you were a clan hopper, but Now they have given you a chance to show your skills…So everyone should trial this team, nice bunch of guys(i mean the whole community).


  13. Fraa: LG said:

    As far as I have played with joshh first thing is to get his attitude sorted out. He yels in-game if you dont do like he says and he rages. Apart from that they should do fine!

  14. Anathema said:

    A minimum IQ limit should be enforced for posting priveliges on recruitment posts.
    Good luck finding your players Josh!

  15. achy said:

    Still trialing all classes msg josh!

  16. Joshhh: MANDEM - LEGO said:

    Trials will be on hold for the next 10 days, family is over

  17. Joshhh: MANDEM - LEGO said:

    found 1 solly + 1 scout, got a backup demo, still searching for a core demoman

  18. fawlen: HB - Doj said:


  19. .panic said:

    Added you for scoot, just ignore if both are taken :)

  20. Junde: NMH - sisu said:

    Very nice ppl and willing to improve for sure gl josh and m8s :)

  21. Joshhh: MANDEM - LEGO said:

    Oh plus we have recruited a main medic, if a backup player is interested don’t hesitate to add me.

  22. Taoism said:

    gl josh :)

  23. Joshhh: MANDEM - LEGO said:

    got a good few scout trialers now.

  24. Aez: TP said:

    Its a great community and Joshhh is such a nice guy, dont let them waste time to look for new roster any day longer!

    I played with Joshhh twice when I was starting my adventure with comp. tf2, you can trust that he is one of those guys “all skill, no brain” but he is so freakin’ good at things he will be doin’.

  25. Joshhh: MANDEM - LEGO said:

    hahahaha one of those guys”all skill,no brain” love it, best of luck to aez as well with iMinds.II

  26. Bucket: cc//(o.o)>~~ - cc// said:

    played with josh for a while, really nice guy, has the potential to take his team far.

    gl :)

  27. Aez: TP said:

    Join them until there is free spot in their roster ^__^