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Scout  Prem/Div 1 Skill, 6v6

Hungary hykleri

Posted: | Last Online:

I are back. Still need some time to get in a great shape again, but it's all gut.

wote ell ik?

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:12004870 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Hungary [National 6v6 Team] Luigi
Left RIP DANI [6v6] prince of denmark
Joined RIP DANI [6v6] prince of denmark
Joined Hungary [National 6v6 Team] Luigi
Left Hungary [National 6v6 Team] Luigi
Left le leglesslegolegolas xD [Highlander] skeej
Left Redstars [6v6] hykleri
Joined Redstars [6v6] Luigi
Left Visualize Your Enmity [6v6] hykleri
Joined le leglesslegolegolas xD [Highlander] skeej
Left Paroxysm [Highlander] hykleri
Joined Visualize Your Enmity [6v6] skeej
Joined Hungary [National 6v6 Team] bunfi
Left Paroxysm [6v6] hykleri
Joined Paroxysm [6v6] demsii
Left Paroxysm [6v6] demsii
Joined Paroxysm [Highlander] Moreg
Joined Paroxysm [6v6] demsii
Left MTF.Gaming - Paroxysm II [6v6] demsii
Joined MTF.Gaming - Paroxysm II [6v6] demsii
Left Paroxysm [6v6] demsii
Joined Paroxysm [6v6] demsii
Left Dyxlectic Defneders [6v6] hykleri
Left Hungary [National 6v6 Team] QuAd
Joined Dyxlectic Defneders [6v6] hykleri
Left Soviet Boxing Club [6v6] nebb_
Joined Soviet Boxing Club [6v6] nebb_
Left Crit Rocket | Highlander [Highlander] asd
Left Crit Rocket | Arena [6v6 Fun Team] asd
Joined Crit Rocket | Highlander [Highlander] asd
Joined Hungary [National 6v6 Team] asd
Joined Crit Rocket | Arena [6v6 Fun Team] asd

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  1. fallen said:

    fav italian scut :)

  2. fallen said:

    wait, thought he was italian (‘-_-)

  3. Moreg: dc. said:

    élvezd hogy olasz vagy

  4. huhystah said:

    lol fallen

    Beast scout and very nice lad

  5. hykleri said:

    Fallen… :’D I can’t decide if I love or hate you right now.

  6. flushy: P.O.P said:

    fucking love you dog, best of luck man

  7. hykleri said:

    flushy best guy ever.

  8. Childish Gubbino said:

    what hyk said, give him a bit and he’ll be back to destroying :D

  9. hykleri said:

    Gubbs <3. Was playing fuckin demo againts you guys tho. ;< I BLAME THE TEAM OBVIOUSLY.

  10. DroSoPhiLe: o/ said:

    wote te el ik

  11. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    Smart & mature, two imporant traits for a good tf2 player and member of a team in general. Good man, great aim … can do a convincing demo too!!

  12. Cheez said:

    <3 Hyk, great guy and an awesome scout. Always nice to play with :)

  13. Hist3rim: eZ said:

    lol hyklery italian…pff… he isn’t strong enough ;)

  14. Demourge: EPA said:

    Nightmare for a clanleader (inactivity, unreliable without being able to communicate towards you the why or when), but when in shape and paired with a beast scout (read: prozak) he can be semi-useful (read: backcaps, not aim).

    Best of luck.

  15. hykleri said:

    what demsi said.

  16. flushy: P.O.P said:

    nearly got me smoking pipes :D best of luck hyk hope u get what you’re looking for!

  17. Vladi: TIDS said:

    intelligent and friendly person, never appeared to be too arrogant or raging and apart from that he is able to play any class to a very decent level.

    div1 scout. one old the old and therefore true ones.

  18. ProZaK: syster said:

    i like this guy. good scout :)

  19. nightmare said:

    beast, best wishes to you.

  20. Hyde S: maksa said:

    “and friendly person, never appeared to be too arrogant”

  21. hykleri said:


  22. hykleri said:

    bumpty bump