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ScoutSniperSoldier  Low+ Skill, 6v6

Scotland hunter

Posted: | Last Online:

Okay so I'd like a team where everyone can speak English and rosters aren't constantly changing.
I'd say I'm around Low+/ Mid-, my aim is solid but my comms are nothing special. I'm really shy so it might take a while before I feel comfortable enough to talk normally but I'm getting better at that. Looking to play maybe div4-6. I don't have any real experience playing soldier but I should be fine in div5/6. Don't particularly want to play scout in div6 but we'll see.

Available any day but I can't play around 8-10pm(9?) UK time atm. My internet starts dying for no reason which is very annoying.

Oh and I'm 18. 19 next month.

http://tf2lobby.com/profile?id=11400 lobby profile if you want it, idk

I probably overlooked some stuff seeing as I haven't slept, so if you want to ask any questions go ahead.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:39406870 Add Friend

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