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Soldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, Highlander

Netherlands HoundOfJustice

Posted: | Last Online:

Hai der! I am HoundOfJustice and I am looking for a Highlander team that is looking for a Soldier.
I am 17 years old.
I live in the netherlands.
I main Soldier now cause I wanted to switch from Pyro which got quite boring after 2 years of maining :P
I am a pretty socialable person so if You wanna hang out after the matches :)

I got some experience already my pervious teams i was in were : Gibusaurus rex,#ProPain and the dingus party poopers (Best name ever) but i still look to up my skill every day!

This has bin My tryout letter to You wanting a good Soldier,I hope to get a reply soon :D

P.S add me incase u are interested

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:120936478 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Dingus Party [Highlander] HoundOfJustice
Joined Dingus Party [Highlander] Dowel

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  1. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Kleine tip; laat je aantal uur gespeeld gewoon achterwege. Ten eerste heeft het geen enkele betekenis, en ten tweede, 166 uur is echt niet veel (en 879 ook niet).

    Succes ermee iig!

  2. sinr said:

    You sound really nice and committed! Good luck brother! =)

  3. TheRealCalvinPWNS: Fusion - Fusion said:

    Hey, wij zoeken nog een backup pyro (die we ook zeker nodig gaan hebben)
    Voeg me toe als je interesse heb in een team dat bestaat uit Nederlanders en belgen :D

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