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MedicScout  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

UnitedStates hooky

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I'm hooky, 17. I am an American 6s player looking for a team to play with on the other side of the pond for Season 16 6s.

—-Warning: story ahead, feel free to skip if you don't care————-
I would play in American leagues, but I can't during the school year as I have a bedtime of 10 pm Eastern time (while I would like to have a later bedtime, I understand why my parents would enforce this: I need sleep. I often go to bed later anyway like most other teenagers anyway). This technically prevents me from playing in any American league. I could get away with UGC, but I don't want to risk it, as a round could take 30 minutes and… let's be honest, matches never start on time. Add in Edifice/Gravel Pit and it's just a potential for a huge mess. Forget about ESEA, that's going to be way too late. So for that reason, I am turning to ETF2L to satisfy my cravings for proper 6s TF2.
— End of story. —

I am looking as a scout first, and a medic second. I prefer scout over medic (although in a team medic is quite fun for me). I also prefer scout over medic as a medic at high ping has to pop sooner, and I don't think it would be very easy to adjust. I am open to playing medic though, so go ahead and try me out.

My previous experience includes:
1 season of ETF2L Highlander as various classes (as seen below)
1 season of UGC 6s Steel as a starter medic/scout (Scottish Fury/TLK)
2 seasons of UGC 6s Steel(/Silver?) as a backup (Victorious Secret/cute from the team) – some scrims, no matches
1 season of UGC Highlander as… I don't even remember fully but I played scout, maybe a little medic/heavy/pyro?
2 seasons of ESEA Open as a backup (Donde, currently on roster, plan on staying on roster)

With Donde, I have played in 4 matches and many scrims, mostly as medic. In the matches, I have played all medic. I played in both Snakewater matches and we won both, and played in half a Gravel Pit match (unfinished due to a server crash, scheduled to be finished on Sunday), and half a Metalworks map (which we won).

TL;DR: I am an American player looking for a 6s team as a Scout or Medic in Div 4 or 5 (roughly equivalent of mid-leaning-low open, which is where my team is).

I get home around 3:15 PM Eastern (apparently 9:15 PM CET) so consider that. I'd like to get in some warmup prior to matches, so keep that in mind.

ESEA profile: http://play.esea.net/users/491571

UGC Profile: http://www.ugcleague.com/players_page.cfm?player_id=76561197990553044

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:30287316 Add Friend

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Left KroTF2 [Highlander] hooky
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