ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European History#

Posted by El Chupacabra: | Last Online:

Hi there,

Due to some real life problems in our team, we're now looking for two soldiers, pocket and roaming so.

We're looking for somebody mature, available at least 3 times a week, able to speak enlgish, with a good 6v6 experience (know where to be, what to call etc..).
We also want a funny player with a good attitude off matches, and with who we can talk about tactics or others stuff like life and shit.

We are :
– A div6 team which can progress easily
– A team with a mumble
– A no rage, no spam, no dumbass team
– An active team, with a great will to progress
– A team with a server -almost-

Add me or Boguaz for contact, discuss and trial

See you

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  1. Blacky said:

    Great bunch of guys, not raging, TONS OF EXPERIENCE FOR DIV 6. i wish i could play with them even more. and they’ll probably get 3rd-2nd place in thier div ^___^”

  2. El Chupacabra said:


  3. Jai[C]as said:

    Hi i 6div soldear . I not raging , can play all day. If you want trial me add me on steam :).

  4. Fester42 said:

    Also would like to trial with you guys if i could, sounds like a great place to be!

  5. 4Lon: Doj. said:

    Would trial with you guys.. Add you at steam

  6. knuck: DA! said:

    From the few games I played with them, they’re a bunch of nice guys. Had some fun playing with them, and above all they have the motivation. Good luck guys.

  7. LedoS said:

    Trial please.

  8. kennymon said:

    Just add me for trial.

  9. 3H5 said:

    hey! i would like a trail if its not to late! im 16 from the uk. i play a lot of pugs have good game sense! thanks