ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Medic  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, Highlander

European Highnine

Posted by THE_WILLY: | Last Online:

So I've been playing a lot of lobbies lately, and I've decided that I want to play in a team again and because I don't want to join other teams, so here I am, looking for players.

But first something about me: I'm 20 years old, student, plays demo, likes to maincall

So, I am looking for people who are:
-responsible (can be counted on to show up for matches/practice or to at least apologize beforehand)
-want to improve
-have the right attitude (I want to primarily have fun, but that doesn't mean I don't want to win)

Fluent english is a must.

What can I offer:
Playing at least 2 times a week
Playing various competitions (UGC and ETF2L mainly)
Experienced leadership

If this sounds great to you then just add me on Steam.

One last thing, I want only people that are serious about HL. That means if you join this team, it will be your primary team (bad experience with players that mainly played 6's and weren't motivated to play/practice)

Update: Now I just need the medic

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  1. jackarb said:

    Added to discuss spy.

  2. Mappy said:

    I would gladly play pyro for your team, i have decent english, and 6v6/HL experience from mercing, (514 hours pyro)

  3. Rick May said:

    i would like to be a pyro main in your team :) I have 4600 hours in game experience.

  4. Hoxo: Team Infacreep said:

    i would love to play engie for your team i have fluent english 1000+hours
    i could play about 3 times a week
    have alot of time put into engie
    and just overall want a team who will see the use of a good engie

  5. Signs. said:

    hello hello.
    i’ll add you for talk :D