ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicSoldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European Fagötter

Posted by Rob J. Cole: | Last Online:

Hello boys and girls,
we are consisting of 4 German players who all have one season of division 6 under their belts. We are still finishing our seasons with our respective teams, so don't worry if no players are on the team roster yet. We've come together because we all have the same goals and competitive mindsets that we think is most important to improve.

We feel like we have the will and skill to perform very well in div6 and with the right players we would like to try and give div5 a go as well.

We have:
-20 Slot Gameserver & Mumble Server
-2 Scouts, 1 Demo, 1 Roamer
-The will and motivation to improve and become better
-1 season experience each

Requirements for medics:
-At least 1 season of experience (Since we want to make a push into div5 we cannot take players in without competitive experience, sorry)
-It'd be best for you to be able to maincall
-Have time on weekdays 7:30-9:30 cet (+- half an hour)

Requirements for sollies:
-If you are able to maincall that's cool as well, then we won't need to search a medic that is able to do it.
-Have time on weekdays 7:30-9:30 cet (+- half an hour)

Generally I think we are a nice bunch of people and can share a laugh. We do however take this game seriously and want to improve all the time. So if you either think you want to do the same or you feel like you wanna take a step back and want to help out motivated players, that's fine.

We are happy for every player that wants to trial, therefore please add Rob J. Cole to steam.

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  1. Zdoom said:

    Hello, I would like to join you guys for the next season(pocket soldier). I have written a bio on my profile for general knowledge.

  2. Indigo[CW]: [CWC] said:

    na mensch medic würd ich ja auch mal spielen… aber du bist doch allein? wo ist der rest

  3. Rob J. Cole said:

    The other three players that are already in the team will still finish the season in their current team. Since they cannot be in two teams at the same time, they will join me after the season has ended. I just opened an empty team so I can open up a recruitment post as a team.

  4. Indigo[CW]: [CWC] said:

    ja ok das macht sinn ;)

    also wenn ihr keinen medic findet ich kanns ja mal versuchen :D