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Medic  Mid Skill, 6v6

International helig

Posted: | Last Online:

I've played in S20 (so now I've officially got formal experience in the EU!) and I'm looking for a mid/high team to play in in S21. I have the basics, and can maincall depending on team dynamics. :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:94153696 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Fahrenheit451 e-Sports [6v6] helig
Joined Fahrenheit451 e-Sports [6v6] tim.
Left The quest to become a walrus [6v6 Fun Team] helig
Left brb uninstalling [6v6] helig
Joined brb uninstalling [6v6] Menel christobal
Left QUALITY TIME [6v6] helig
Joined QUALITY TIME [6v6] lgl
Joined The quest to become a walrus [6v6 Fun Team] Chrizzer
Left bye-bye a go-go [6v6] Banana Joe
Joined bye-bye a go-go [6v6] Banana Joe

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 3/Div 4 9 597


  1. krtz said:

    Can handle mid but not high
    But shes willing to improve

  2. Bona: PMW said:

    Cool person

  3. NeuTronas said:

    Sometimes she’s high as fuck but she’s awesome :D

  4. Vitilumi: tbd said:

    From the little I’ve seen, she’s a very good Medic who like krtz said, can handle high. GL!

  5. Sepu: (Kovein) - 0fo said:

    Big Heli G
    Nice person most of the time and fun to have around, just don’t steal her healthkits D:

  6. krtz said:

    True that sepulch, if not she would fuck u up

  7. Vitilumi: tbd said:

    My bad… I didn’t mean High. ><

  8. Kasdeus said:

    Really friendly person and great medic whose willing to learn.

    Good luck next season!

  9. Samski: MPREG - DBLE said:

    Nice to play with her yesterday, not high yet but is very keen to learn and takes all constructive criticism well :) Good Luck!

  10. Plug said:

    I wanna join. :p

  11. torrit said:

    very nice person, could handle all the banter i can give
    deserves a chance in high, she’ll get there shortly anyway

  12. helig said:

    Thanks a million, all! (also, bumperino)