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Soldier  Mid- Skill, 6v6

Denmark helberg

Posted: | Last Online:

I am a 15 year old Danish guy, with a good amount of experience as soldier

I am looking for a div5/4 clan that is always willing to improve, has some nice people, and can take a joke. Prefferably with a server and mumble aswell.

I can play weekdays from 17-22 CET (with dinner at random time in between)
I can play from 17-24 on weekends

Add me if you are interested.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:6263135 Add Friend

Team History

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Joined Denmark [National 6v6 Team] Dr. Phil
Left Denmark [National 6v6 Team] smile
Joined Placeholder [6v6] Dr. Phil
Left Vintage [6v6] F2
Left Denmark [National Highlander Team] sinr
Joined Vintage [6v6] F2
Left LEGO [6v6] helberg
Joined Danish Community Swingers [Highlander] Beater
Left Parrot Gapers [Highlander] helberg
Joined Denmark [National Highlander Team] helberg
Joined Denmark [National 6v6 Team] helberg
Joined LEGO [6v6] helberg
Left eureka [6v6] helberg
Joined eureka [6v6] Mia
Left Frømandskorpset [6v6] helberg
Joined wannabes [6v6 Fun Team] Rising
Joined Baker Cats! [2v2] Rising
Left [Nabstarx]-spec 300+ [2v2] helberg
Joined Frømandskorpset [6v6] GipsArm
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Joined Frømandskorpset [6v6] helberg
Left Actility [6v6] helberg
Joined [Nabstarx]-spec 300+ [2v2] PureX
Joined Parrot Gapers [Highlander] helberg
Left Danish Community Swingers [Highlander] helberg
Joined Danish Community Swingers [Highlander] helberg
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Joined Actility [6v6] helberg
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Joined Killerinstincts - Team Lad [6v6] helberg
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Joined Actility [6v6] PureX
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Joined Tabby Gaming [6v6] Gobby
Left Sexy, TO THE EXTREME! [6v6] helberg
Joined Sexy, TO THE EXTREME! [6v6] helberg
Left SMACK! [6v6] Gubbins
Joined Parrot Gapers [Highlander] Gubbins
Joined SMACK! [6v6] helberg

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View Div 1/Div 2 18 407
View Mid- 12 455
View Low+ 0 111


  1. TherioN said:

    This guy is a legend!

    He got the wildest soldier aim i ever seen, and a amazing sniper aswell, can play anything as a backup.
    Played tons with this guy and hes a friendly, helpfull, smart, and good english talking guy, can ahve a bit temper but thats all negative i can say.

    pick him up before its to late!

    Gl helbenberg :DDD

  2. TherioN said:

    but he wont tell the good crosshair for sniper!!! :<
    isnt that right HÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆLBERG!

  3. Poxie said:

    Excellent sniper, good soldier. Div4 fit, easily.

    Pick him up :3

  4. Jaycee: hood said:

    Hmmmm this guy is pretty kewl, so he will carry you 24/7 bcuz of his sniper/soldier aim. enuff iz enuff ^^.

  5. Joshhh: MANDEM - LEGO said:

    He has an insane sniper aim imo but i haven’t seen his soldier skillz but if his sniper aim is that good he must be really good at solly as well <3

  6. meppi: OS! - OS! said:

    Awesome guy as a person and as a gamer. Possesses epic aim both as a sniper and a solly, easily div4 level skills, possibly even lower div3. Extremely helpful (has helped me with a lot of stuff, like how to be a better medic and with some movie editing stuff) and kind, though has some moments of anger, but don’t we all?.

    Only con I can think of is his damn weird times of eating dinner :P. As his former medic I can say that he really can take care of his medic but he’s also a hell of a roamer, so any position you need him for, he’ll be perfect for it.

    Why are you still reading this?! Pick him up now!

  7. Sisu: :id: said:

    Dude is a fucking beast sniper! (even tho i rolled him as sniper before he got too good :( aimbot fo’sho. )

    Damn good soldier aswell.. Good luck mate!

  8. Beater: Danmark - LEGO said:

    Played a bunch with this guy and it’s always an enjoyable experience. Very good soldier who gets all of those beautiful airshots :)
    I’ve never heard him rage and his comms are great, get him before beer and women do!

  9. Helberg: Danmark - DANMARK said:

    Thanks for all the kind comments guys! :D