ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Scout  Low/Open Skill, 6v6 Fun Team

International fresh heh

Posted by jjjakub: | Last Online:


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  1. Hoot said:

    I am kind of new to this team thing, however I am quite decent at tf2 and I was wondering if you guys still recruit.

  2. KingKetchup said:


  3. Rysiek: *MUMBLE said:

    I can Play soldier demo and offclass heavy engie and sniper

  4. BRFcitizen said:

    I’m interested in giving it a try. Main Medic, but I can work both as Soldier and Heavy as well.

  5. _lew said:

    Hi! I’m a good demo and I can play medic, scout, and all the offclasses

  6. JustTF2 said:

    I play Soldier and Spy but I am also good at Heavy, Pyro, Demoman and Engineer

  7. JustTF2 said:

    I play Soldier and Spy but I am also good at Heavy, Pyro, Demoman and Engineer..

  8. SumYeetyBoi said:

    I main medic and im ok at soldier, would love if you would consider adding me :)

  9. SumYeetyBoi said:

    I main medic and im ok at soldier, would love if you would consider adding me

  10. Gamer Matt said:

    I am looking for a team who is gonna be doing fresh meat, I fit your description.

  11. NeinKnight said:

    I don’t really main a class, but I can be good with medic.

  12. PopTart said:

    Hey dude, 6k demo! Here’s my steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/DontNerfGunSpy/

    I specialize in demo :P