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Soldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom HedgeHog

Posted: | Last Online:

I am a TF2 player that has never really tried to get into an actual competitive and have stuck to pugs on TF2 Center. However I am now looking for a European 6V6 team to Play with in the 1st TF2C Archimedes Cup. I am willing to play as Soldier roamer or pocket.


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:114895074 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Lets Destroy Uranus [6v6] HedgeHog
Left the dream team [6v6] Exy
Joined the dream team [6v6] Exy
Left The Tf2 Dream [6v6] HedgeHog
Joined dream team [6v6 Fun Team] Exy
Joined The Tf2 Dream [6v6] The Tf2 Guy

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  1. Twinqe said:

    I support you as a fellow hedgehog

  2. MissHedgehog: .Pet said:

    Me too

  3. .kr4tos: (ETF2L Donator) - FLANK - DGB said:

    why would people decline friend requests while they are lf a team?