ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


HeavyPyroScoutSoldierSpy  Low- Skill, Highlander

UnitedStates Happyface Gaming

Posted by Hunterdew: | Last Online:

Last minute recruitment for HappyFaceGaming.

We're primarily a Garry's Mod community, but not exactly. At this point, as long as you play games on the computer and steam network you're allowed to join.

We'd prefer you to additionally make an account on our forums (forum.happyfacegaming.com) however at this point it is not completely necessary.

Skill isn't necessary, just attendance.

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  1. Drakaenae: [hehu] said:

    i’m interested in joining heavy, demo or pyro

  2. Demonoxx: DW said:

    I’m interested in joining as a scout or pyro, I have 300 hours of experience, and have alot to offer. If you wanna talk or ask me anything hit me up on steam, the name is Demonoxx

  3. VacuumSPP said:

    I, also, am interested in joining. Spy is my favorite and most played class, though I like scout and soldier too. If you want to contact me, my steam name is Vacuum_SPP