Div 4 Skill, 6v6
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Hey I'm Greg, I play pocket soldier. I can play every night from 7cet-12cet. I have some experience in div 4 (Bitches and Neep for 3 months) and plenty of experience in div 5. I'm looking for a div 4 team, as pocket. I speak fluent English, never rage, actively seek and try to improve.
Trial me yo.
User Profile | SteamID: U:1:80607469Team History
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Solid div 4 for sure.
very friendly and very good solly for div 4!
He’s cool, div4.
Made moves on me and probably likes dick, but damn can he shoot the floor.
nice guy solid dm, good game sense pick him up.
what a great guy greg is. I highly recommend for any d4/3 team to try him out
gl :)