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Soldier  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

England Greg.am

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey I'm Greg, I play pocket soldier. I can play every night from 7cet-12cet. I have some experience in div 4 (Bitches and Neep for 3 months) and plenty of experience in div 5. I'm looking for a div 4 team, as pocket. I speak fluent English, never rage, actively seek and try to improve.

Trial me yo.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:80607469 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Spartans [LAN Team] HoneyBadger
Left #Killa-Beez E-sports [Highlander] Greg.am
Left Pennyfarming E-Sports [LAN Team] Greg.am
Joined Greg & Honey Badger 5ever [2v2] HoneyBadger
Left Alfie and Greg [2v2] Greg.am
Joined Pennyfarming E-Sports [LAN Team] Greg.am
Joined #Killa-Beez E-sports [Highlander] Greg.am
Left Original Gangsters [Highlander] Greg.am
Joined Alfie and Greg [2v2] Greg.am
Left Sugar Hill Gang (ultiduo) [2v2] Greg.am
Joined Pennyfarming e-sports: Team Greg [1v1] Greg.am
Joined Team Freedom [6v6] Greg.am
Left nervousENERGY Black [6v6] Greg.am
Joined nervousENERGY Black [6v6] Greg.am
Left Sugar Hill Gang [6v6] Greg.am
Joined Sugar Hill Gang [6v6] Greg.am
Left Do you even? [6v6] s0rex
Joined Do you even? [6v6] Greg.am
Left Sugar Hill Gang [6v6] Greg.am
Joined Original Gangsters [Highlander] Greg.am
Joined Sugar Hill Gang (ultiduo) [2v2] Greg.am
Joined Sugar Hill Gang [6v6] Greg.am
Left TBA 2 [6v6] Ch3Vy
Joined TBA 2 [6v6] Greg.am
Left TBA 2 [6v6] Greg.am
Joined TBA 2 [6v6] Greg.am
Left Team Vanguard [6v6] Greg.am
Joined Team Vanguard [6v6] Greg.am
Left Synapse (1) [6v6] Greg.am
Joined Synapse (1) [6v6] Greg.am
Left Tunnel Snakes [6v6] Greg.am
Joined Tunnel Snakes [6v6] Greg.am
Left TeamTryhard [6v6] Greg.am
Joined TeamTryhard [6v6] Felix

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  1. Airact said:

    Solid div 4 for sure.

  2. Kynis: HHH said:

    very friendly and very good solly for div 4!

  3. Rei. said:

    He’s cool, div4.

  4. hycolours: _ainsley said:

    Made moves on me and probably likes dick, but damn can he shoot the floor.

  5. cute nut: Drunk said:

    nice guy solid dm, good game sense pick him up.

  6. frix: LG said:

    what a great guy greg is. I highly recommend for any d4/3 team to try him out

    gl :)