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Spy  High/Mid Skill, Highlander

France Gorzum

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking for a top Mid team only for S11, as main Spy (already have a sub spot in another team incase I don't get any offer).
If you want any info about my past experiences just add me on Steam.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:167510030 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Ratas Estables: Trip to Mexico [Highlander] lekku
Joined Ratas Estables: Trip to Mexico [Highlander] 30.06
Left Open Sesame [Highlander] Gorzum
Joined Open Sesame [Highlander] Phlogic
Left Dignity Zero [Highlander] Gorzum
Left Nervous as Hell [6v6] Gorzum
Joined Dignity Zero [Highlander] Bliss
Left Selective Attention [Highlander] FoxC
Joined Selective Attention [Highlander] FoxC
Left Selective Attention [Highlander] Gorzum
Joined Selective Attention [Highlander] FoxC
Left Lucrosa [Highlander] Cronk
Left UGC HL SILVER [6v6 Fun Team] Gorzum
Joined Lucrosa [Highlander] Cronk
Left CRAZYBWAII Clan [Highlander] Yxxo
Joined UGC HL SILVER [6v6 Fun Team] 30.06
Left We Drop Memetapes [6v6 Fun Team] Gorzum
Joined Nervous as Hell [6v6] Harry
Left SLAYER_IRL [6v6] meows
Left Yes [1v1] Gorzum
Joined SLAYER_IRL [6v6] meows
Joined Yes [1v1] Gorzum
Left Clinical autism [6v6] Gorzum
Left I was bored, alright? [1v1] Gorzum
Joined CRAZYBWAII Clan [Highlander] Yxxo
Joined Clinical autism [6v6] yugo
Joined We Drop Memetapes [6v6 Fun Team] Lemmy
Joined I was bored, alright? [1v1] Gorzum
Left Krusty Krab 2 [Highlander] Brian
Joined Krusty Krab 2 [Highlander] Brian
Left $ Mixtapes $ [Highlander] Gorzum
Joined $ Mixtapes $ [Highlander] gamma
Left Gamers League United [6v6] Gorzum
Joined Gamers League United [6v6] Gorzum

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High 9 545
View High 15 852
View Prem/High 11 739
View Prem/High 31 1084
View Prem/High 18 808
View Prem 19 726
View High 26 872
View Mid/Open 6 580
View High/Mid 13 707
View High/Mid 19 727
View Mid 15 702
View Mid 17 668
View Mid 1 357


  1. Fat Albert: POUNDGREY said:

    What it’s like to play Medic against other spys
    What it’s like to play Medic against Gorzum
    ᕦ( ͡͡~͜ʖ ͡° )ᕤ

  2. Lurkki: SCOOPER - MUUMIT said:


  3. mellow said:

    Give the guy a Main spot in a team competent enough to reach Mid Playoffs or possibly in high. I legitimately feel bad for him not getting as much playtime as he deserves. His main selling point is that his decloaks are pretty clutch, the amount of medic picks he gets on average per game is plain stupid. Has good comms without having the obnoxious accent of a Frenchman (no offense, friend, xoxo) and is a good team player.

  4. Akuma: kevin said:

    Why isn’t he in a high div team yet? Seriously! It’s hard to spycheck him since he is sneaky af and he still gets so many kills. Give him a go ffs

  5. Gorzum said:

    Bump ftw

  6. Gorzum said:

    The struggle of being a Spy main lft

  7. Gorzum said:

    Please don’t make me play Overwatch comp

  8. mellow said:

    Better than your current spy most likely

  9. Frysk said:

    gorzum is a really cool guy and an amazing spy, not to mention he has the most soothing french accent <3

  10. Gorzum said:

    Another one

  11. Gorzum said:


  12. Gorzum said:


  13. extrasolar: officer - TC said:

    Gorzum: dude please don’t pick extrasolar as a sniper merc, I have footage of him hacking as sniper
    Gorzum: this guy is cancer
    Gorzum: not kidding this guy doesn’t deserve to be amerc

  14. Gorzum said:


  15. Gorzum said:


  16. yugo: tri_prsta said:

    Really solid spy, great pick for a keen mid/high team. Give him a chance.

  17. Zolith said:

    Really solid spy who definitely deserves a main spot on a top mid team, this guy literally pulls med drops out of his arse. Worth a trial no doubt.

  18. Gorzum said:

    Thanks Naruto

  19. gamma: McB - JaR said:

    will use baguette skills to show medics his culinary abilities

  20. Harry: Nah - :Blinky: said:

    love mah boi <3

  21. RainbowD. said:

    Seaching team:
    play time:1k
    Steam ID:

  22. Gorzum said:

    I’m looking for a team, not looking for players, sorry ; by the way if It’s the first time you play comp you shouldn’t look for Mid/High teams