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Demoman  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Lithuania Golden

Posted: | Last Online:

Old post is gone. Not that keen anymore when I'm teamless + summer, but if I would get some more trials, I will ofc go keener. Might aswell consider playing roamer or scout for lower div team.

– Really friendly and funny guy
– Available all week in the evenings
– Like to watch high div games to learn something
– Cant wait when I can play Con pickups again 24/7
– Like to play some other games before/after pcws
– I think i can speak London very nice, its table
– Rekd snrw once :)

—————————–STABLE TEAM PLX————————
– Nice guys, who sometimes likes to play other games aswell
– Keen/Play atleast 4-5days a week
– Speak English

If you need some more infos, dont be shy just please add me, I love making new friends :)))

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:100919562 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left mad decent [6v6] Jin
Joined mad decent [6v6] bohoc
Left [OOC] Team [6v6] CrazyBwai
Joined [OOC] Team [6v6] CrazyBwai
Left Mai Ingrush iz table [6v6] Golden
Joined Mai Ingrush iz table [6v6] Golden
Left sit down trader [6v6] Golden
Joined sit down trader [6v6] Golden
Left alle is a massive faggot [Highlander] alle
Joined Cake Clan [6v6 Fun Team] Golden
Left no name atm [6v6] Golden
Left Really? [2v2] Led
Joined no name atm [6v6] Golden
Left svamp [6v6] Golden
Joined alle is a massive faggot [Highlander] Golden
Left TEZC Highlander! [Highlander] Golden
Joined Really? [2v2] Golden
Joined svamp [6v6] Golden
Left Do you even? [6v6] Golden
Joined Do you even? [6v6] Golden
Left Team Dynamo [6v6] Golden
Joined Team Dynamo [6v6] Golden
Left no name atm [6v6] Golden
Joined no name atm [6v6] Golden
Left no name atm [6v6] achy
Joined TEZC Highlander! [Highlander] Golden
Left ALBERT [6v6 Fun Team] nyx
Joined ALBERT [6v6 Fun Team] Golden
Left ALBERT [6v6 Fun Team] nyx
Joined no name atm [6v6] Golden
Left Aftershock Gaming - About 20% cooler [6v6] Golden
Joined ALBERT [6v6 Fun Team] Golden
Joined Aftershock Gaming - About 20% cooler [6v6] Golden
Left EASY TARGET [6v6] cufky
Left Lopasias [National 6v6 Team] NeuTronas
Left 4ever [Highlander] Makaron
Joined Lopasias [National 6v6 Team] NeuTronas
Joined EASY TARGET [6v6] fybedi
Left Extension [6v6] Golden
Joined Extension [6v6] Golden
Left extension [6v6] Golden
Joined extension [6v6] Golden
Left Kings [6v6] Golden
Joined 4ever [Highlander] Makaron
Joined Kings [6v6] Condoms>>>b
Left Rus 'R' Us [6v6] Golden
Joined Rus 'R' Us [6v6] Golden
Left Please drop team (srsly) [6v6] Golden
Joined Please drop team (srsly) [6v6] Golden
Joined Div6 Shitter [1v1] Golden
Left Aftershock Gaming [6v6] Golden
Joined Aftershock Gaming [6v6] Golden
Left RHINOTRAIN [6v6] Golden
Joined RHINOTRAIN [6v6] jibs
Left iScream [6v6] Golden
Joined iScream [6v6] Golden
Left iScream [6v6] Golden
Joined iScream [6v6] eduardo
Left Team UniversalGamers 3v3 [6v6 Fun Team] Golden
Left Team UniversalGamers [6v6] Golden
Joined Team UniversalGamers 3v3 [6v6 Fun Team] nOIZAS.
Joined Team UniversalGamers [6v6] nOIZAS.

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Open/Mid 7 364
View Open/Mid 13 853
View Div 3/Div 4 28 1097
View Div 3 9 325
View Div 3/Div 4 16 711
View Div 3/Div 4 16 736
View Div 3/Div 4 0 208
View Div 3/Div 4 0 370
View Div 4 29 1056
View Div 5/Div 6 14 816
View Div 6 0 194
View Div 6 0 354


  1. Admirael said:

    nice guy, gl

  2. maRty: TDR » said:

    really nice guy, fun to play with, gl!

  3. SorroW: iveR - VDOH said:

    nice and funny guy, can handle div3 with ease, pick him up, he needs a nice home :C

  4. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:

    nice guy, good player can handle easey div 3 good luck :)

  5. Zangetsu: 4SKINGS said:

    great player,can handle div3 easily
    also cyka zona malka
    pick this noob fast <3

  6. s0rex said:

    very good demo, take him fast also nice guy

  7. Buzz: addict! said:


  8. Dennia: FAINT said:

    Palyed wit cuple times iz a funi gui. )))

  9. d4rk_killer1996: TC said:

    pro scout aha ;)
    good demo take him
    he’s nice

  10. iikq: sirkkels said:

    great person and i think he can put stickytraps also

  11. sphynx said:

    friendly guy and good player but goes mad when I speak italian :(

  12. Golden said:

    lul i am not :/

  13. Kemor said:

    Silver is gut

  14. omrish said:

    Improve a lot in no time, he is super keen and really nice.

  15. Coleman: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Nice guy, sexy accent. What more could you want?

  16. Askior: swimp said:

    good guy golden. Beast aswell. He’s gud.

  17. Deljin: 4SKINGS said:

    really nice guy would take
    some love \o/

  18. PineBerry High: sdt said:

    really nice guy…. no hes ego lvl is over 9000…

  19. M4RK said:

    Good trader can do div 3

  20. supreme: SHAG said:

    i hurd he can shoot pipes, very good addition to any div 3 team

  21. achy said:

    not seen him demo but a very nice guy. gl

  22. Golden said:

    bump :>

  23. SiTeHBu0mbb: DOWN said:

    Where’s bagaren?

  24. Golden said:

    Well I am not putting it at div 2 LOL

  25. Fra.ger: Skrbs said:

    best scammer/demo eu !@!

  26. baccart: IsF:LT said:

    Tryhard of the year, pick him fast.

  27. sobolanu said:

    best lobby demoman ever

  28. Buzz: addict! said:


  29. Atkins: Velox. - TSPAG said:

    give him a team to get good with

  30. Cookeh said:

    Keen and constantly mixing. Good guy too, gl!

  31. svins: alus - P.O.P said:

    Absolutely annoying 15 year old boy

  32. T0m.: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    nice guy, good demo glgl

  33. Golden said:

    hey svins, go trade

  34. Diukas said:

    bad demo, worth div5, i mean it. atliest a good trader…

  35. Pr3d said:

    D2? I thought April’s fool is over

  36. Battery said:


  37. Golden said:

    Pr3d, not sure if blind or just stupid.

  38. rtslol: PrettyGay said:


  39. nyx: -nobroder said:

    http://etf2l.org/recruitment/164280/ Try those guys. They aren’t really sure they are capable for div2 like you.

  40. Golden said:

    LOL look whos talking wtf man how did you get a voice atlast?

  41. nyx: -nobroder said:

    New anusual from Golden: Burnin Ass for Demoman. Only one in the world.

  42. Buzz: addict! said:

    tears are coming out from my eyes

  43. Pr3d said:

    Mad much, you can’t handle shit at div3 level, im not even talking about d2, lol. My dudy is to warn people and tell that it’s a div3/4 at the very max. P.S. nedaryk gedos ir neisipisinek su savo apgailetinais komentarais :)). Gl beieskant.

  44. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    The few times I’ve played against Golden he was definitely Div3 capable at least.

    And we got the message, you two think he’s overrating himself. Now stop shitting up this recpost.

  45. Golden said:

    Thank’s Bill, and pr3d, i didnt say i am div 2 yet, cant you read, and we havent played together for ages, so please stop really. P.S. Man rodos vienintelis kas cia issipisineja tai tu cia atejes ir is oro pradedantis rasyti pievas :)))

  46. Pr3d said:

    Wait, did I talked to you? You played with him, but so did I lots of times as he is from our LT community and so I said what I think of him and what he’s capable of. Im not saying he’s terrible lol, 3/4 – see? I think he’s not that dumb to think that every comment on his rec post has to be a good one, praising him, without some criticism, right? Glad you got it.. Also – free bump :)

  47. huhystah said:

    this is how golden plays demoman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75sW6GaFbGQ

  48. Andreas: ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ. - DANMARK said:

    Pr3d is sorry ;(

  49. Plysse said:

    Actually a pretty nice demoman, top div3 imo.

  50. oneru1e said:

    Nice guy, can handle div 3 ez. gl m8 :)

  51. Led said:

    div 3 maybe but not div2 :D gl

  52. shappie: REMOVE - DBLE said:


  53. exeL: Doj. said:

    iz a st00p1d jew. gl in the search man! u deserve a top div3 team!

  54. Kemor said:

    Master of pipe spamming

  55. .kr4tos: (ETF2L Donator) - FLANK - DGB said:

    where is bagaren?

    no div2 experience… HELLO?!