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MedicSoldier  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Israel Glitch

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi, interested in a friendly good team as sol or medic , can maincall , play pocket or roam. mainly interested in div 2 but can consider div 3 .
for more info hit me up on steam or irc .

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:38291819 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Target Terminated [6v6] Glitch
Left Tapachki [Highlander] CapricorN
Joined Tapachki [Highlander] Glitch
Left Division of Justice [Highlander] Glitch
Joined Target Terminated [6v6] Glitch
Left 2kal [6v6] Glitch
Joined 2kal [6v6] Glitch
Left Haze eSports [6v6] Glitch
Joined PIZZA AND JUICE [6v6 Fun Team] Glitch
Joined 1 Nazi 1 Jew [2v2] Glitch
Left Trolling Bunnies Black Mini [2v2] Glitch
Joined Haze eSports [6v6] Glitch
Left no name atm [6v6] Glitch
Joined no name atm [6v6] Glitch
Left iveR [6v6] Glitch
Joined iveR [6v6] Glitch
Left no name atm [6v6] Glitch
Joined Trolling Bunnies Black Mini [2v2] Glitch
Left B&E [2v2] Glitch
Joined B&E [2v2] Glitch
Joined Division of Justice [Highlander] Glitch
Left addict! eSports // Gold | Highlander [Highlander] Glitch
Joined addict! eSports // Gold | Highlander [Highlander] Glitch
Left Division of Justice [Highlander] Glitch
Joined Division of Justice [Highlander] Glitch
Left Shit on A Stick [Highlander] Glitch
Joined Shit on A Stick [Highlander] Glitch
Joined no name atm [6v6] Glitch
Left Asterisk [6v6] Glitch
Joined Asterisk [6v6] Glitch
Left The Namelass Trolls [6v6] Glitch
Joined The Namelass Trolls [6v6] Glitch

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 2/Div 3 14 685
View Div 2/Div 3 88 2175


  1. Zangetsu: 4SKINGS said:



  2. Noamigo said:


  3. General CaspeR: YH said:

    if you can see his perfectly clean and unstained history of joining and leaving teams, u can also spot me over there, ruining it like a boss.
    above all, great player and exactly what you are looking for, GL

  4. Maffi: REVERTO said:

    cya in Tel aviv

  5. OldSpic3 said:

    Forgot ur age….
    126 dog years..
    pick him

  6. carnifex said:


  7. Godof said:

    If I were supposed to choose a word that would describe Glitch in the best way,it would be Perfectionism. He commits to the game a lot, really wants to get better, and can’t go on if the team just keeps making mistakes,so it makes him a bit of a rager but a fast improver.

    gl ben <3

  8. Huzzy said:

    Hes a frenchie in disguise! Don’t let the flag fool you. Good guy in and outside of the game, good luck mate!

  9. wackey: 4SKINGS said:

    really nice dude, friendly, amazing main caller, nice dm, pick him fast before anyone else does.

  10. Hatake: Hi said:

    get him please good sol\med without team is sad

  11. Éscabeché: Calavera - Nave said:


  12. Dingo: HG - cirlo said:

    I will have him to sign ketubah with me someday.

  13. Pure said:

    He’s a dick. Don’t think he’ll last long it a team.

  14. Tea said:

    Strong player pick him

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