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MedicScout  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Hungary GhostjAAH `

Posted: | Last Online:

I'm already in a team as backup, but I want to play more, so im looking for an other team.
– can play med d2-3 , scout d3-4
– can play from 20cet everyday ( weekends ( friday , saturday ) not sure )
– noRage. im a chilled guy
– mature
– active
if u like cookies and interested, just add me ;]

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:49474654 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Hungary [National Highlander Team] PingWIN
Joined Insane Dutch Killers - Diversion [6v6] GhostjAAH `
Joined Insane Dutch Killers - Diversion FUNTEAM [6v6 Fun Team] GhostjAAH `
Left üBearz [6v6] GhostjAAH `
Left bunchiez [2v2] GhostjAAH `
Joined üBearz [6v6] GhostjAAH `
Left dont fck w1th Jesus [6v6] GhostjAAH `
Joined dont fck w1th Jesus [6v6] GhostjAAH `
Joined bunchiez [2v2] GhostjAAH `
Left Let us MOVE ! [2v2] GhostjAAH `
Left Redstars [6v6] GhostjAAH `
Joined Redstars [6v6] GhostjAAH `
Left OPA GANGNAM STYLE [6v6] GhostjAAH `
Joined Hungary [National Highlander Team] GhostjAAH `
Joined Winterfresh [Highlander] GhostjAAH `
Joined OPA GANGNAM STYLE [6v6] GhostjAAH `
Left Playfish [6v6] GhostjAAH `
Joined Let us MOVE ! [2v2] GhostjAAH `
Joined Playfish [6v6] xxxlasagne
Left OPA GANGNAM STYLE [6v6] GhostjAAH `
Left GhostR [1v1] GhostjAAH `
Joined OPA GANGNAM STYLE [6v6] GhostjAAH `
Left Failander [Highlander] Sult
Left inside Gaming [6v6] DeadpoOl
Joined inside Gaming [6v6] DeadpoOl
Joined Failander [Highlander] GhostjAAH `
Left Sh1ne Gaming [6v6] GhostjAAH `
Joined GhostR [1v1] GhostjAAH `
Joined Sh1ne Gaming [6v6] GhosTjAH
Left Toborzo Szazad [6v6] Pozitive
Joined Toborzo Szazad [6v6] GhostjAAH `

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  1. GhostjAAH `: IDK - :> said:

    bump :3

  2. Zyan: CRS said:

    awesome player and funny guy,pick him up!

  3. n1ven: exo. - Fight Club said:

    Nice guy with a great aim. Fun to play with, the only bad, that he is a Chelsea fan… pföjj. :))
    Pick him up, div3 for sure.

  4. KKR said:


  5. GhostjAAH `: IDK - :> said:

    bump :)

  6. TBE pez: SUAVY - ; said:

    nice guy ;d always afk when i played with him but still 2strong even away from keybord ;)

  7. god said:

    funniest hungarian i know, glglgl