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Soldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Jamaica Ghostface

Posted: | Last Online:

Soldier. Can shoot floor get kills efficiently. Good @ pocket/roaming.
I don't rage. Ever.
Serious when I have to be serious, can take jokes and give them when we're chillin in mumble.
Some people may say that I'm not div4 at all, that I may hardly be div5. Look at their name for a second and then think if you want to consider their opinion, if you get what I mean. :D

Should be a friendly bunch, preferrably well established already. New teams have a pretty high chance of folding :]
Forcing the above requirement a little, I'd take a moderate-skilled team that actually wants to improve and are friendly, pretty cool guys to have around rather than some really pro players who blame the team when they lose.
Working good as a team is pretty much mandatory. If you have players who go "oh screw this I know kung fu" and attempt to do a 6-man on mid by themselves, then you're not the team for me ;/
Preferably in GMT+2, or GMT+1/CET. CBA with GMT, it's waaaay too late.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:38663879 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Romania [National Highlander Team] Shape
Joined Romania [National Highlander Team] Shape
Left Romania [National Highlander Team] Princess Fluffybutt
Joined Romania [National Highlander Team] Shape
Joined Spire eSports by Ghostface [6v6] Nuky
Left rip ghostface [6v6] Ghostface
Left Romania [National 6v6 Team] Shampoo
Left Romania [National Highlander Team] Shape
Left Rambase.ro Community Team [Highlander] zFn
Joined rip ghostface [6v6] Ghostface
Left Doom inc. [6v6] Ghostface
Joined Doom inc. [6v6] Ghostface
Left Snoop Animals [6v6] Ghostface
Joined Snoop Animals [6v6] Ghostface
Left nervousENERGY - WHITE [6v6] RenTas
Joined Romania [National 6v6 Team] Ghostface
Joined Romania [National Highlander Team] Ghostface
Joined nervousENERGY - WHITE [6v6] Ghostface
Left Div6Forever [6v6] Ghostface
Joined Div6Forever [6v6] zFn
Left Totodiles [6v6] Ghostface
Joined Totodiles [6v6] Ghostface
Left Winter is coming [6v6] Ghostface
Joined Winter is coming [6v6] Ghostface
Left TF2 is dead [6v6] Ghostface
Joined TF2 is dead [6v6] Ghostface
Left Smokin' Trees and Strokin' Threes [6v6] Ghostface
Joined Smokin' Trees and Strokin' Threes [6v6] Ghostface
Left Team Rikketik [6v6] Enef
Joined Rambase.ro Community Team [Highlander] zFn
Left Monkeys vs Robots [Highlander] Ghostface
Joined Team Rikketik [6v6] Enef
Left nervousENERGY BLU [6v6] Ghostface
Joined Monkeys vs Robots [Highlander] Ghostface
Left Rambase.ro Community Team [Highlander] Ghostface
Joined nervousENERGY BLU [6v6] Monkeh
Joined Rambase.ro Community Team [Highlander] Anthagonyk
Left Bad News - Si^ Edition [6v6] Ghostface
Left Team Fortress 2 Romania 1 [Highlander] Ghostface
Joined Bad News - Si^ Edition [6v6] Ghostface
Left Racked.eu [6v6] Ghostface
Joined Racked.eu [6v6] Legacy
Left creampie [6v6] ain't nuttin but a
Joined creampie [6v6] ain't nuttin but a
Left creampie [6v6] Ghostface
Joined creampie [6v6] ain't nuttin but a
Left creampie [6v6] ain't nuttin but a
Joined creampie [6v6] Ghostface
Left creampie [6v6] ain't nuttin but a
Joined creampie [6v6] ain't nuttin but a
Left The High Priests [6v6] Ghostface
Joined The High Priests [6v6] Ghostface
Left Division 7 Professionals [6v6] Ghostface
Joined Division 7 Professionals [6v6] Ghostface
Left Division 7 Professionals [6v6] Ghostface
Joined Division 7 Professionals [6v6] Ghostface
Left The High Priests [6v6] Ghostface
Joined Lobsters & Corn [2v2] Ghostface
Joined The High Priests [6v6] Ghostface
Left WheatleyFANS [6v6] Ghostface
Joined WheatleyFANS [6v6] Ghostface
Left Division 7 Professionals [6v6] Ghostface
Joined Division 7 Professionals [6v6] Ghostface
Left Division 7 Professionals [6v6] lazy
Joined Team Fortress 2 Romania 1 [Highlander] Nigh
Joined Division 7 Professionals [6v6] Ghostface
Left Mercs 4 Hire [6v6] SilverEyedLK
Joined Mercs 4 Hire [6v6] SilverEyedLK
Left Bomb-Sight [6v6] Ghostface
Joined Bomb-Sight [6v6] Nigh

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 3 16 945
View Div 2/Div 3 0 449
View Div 4/Div 5 4 519
View Div 2/Div 3 44 1549
View Div 2/Div 3 18 1328
View Div 2/Div 3 30 1566
View Div 3 29 1361
View Div 2/Div 3 0 321
View Div 3 12 715
View Div 3/Div 4 22 785
View Div 5/Div 6 0 476
View Div 4 16 1474
View Div 4 3 812
View Div 3/Div 4 3 464
View Div 3/Div 4 17 1166
View Div 3/Div 4 0 374
View Div 6 3 644
View Div 3/Div 4 12 729
View Div 3/Div 4 8 554
View Div 3/Div 4 3 823
View Div 3/Div 4 15 909
View Div 4 8 500
View Div 4/Div 5 18 1482
View Div 3/Div 4 20 1160
View Div 4 0 414
View Div 4 7 672
View Div 4 0 267
View Div 4 0 472
View Div 4 0 304
View Div 4 9 709
View Div 4/Div 5 4 425
View Div 1/Div 2 34 1893
View Div 4/Div 5 26 1629
View Low+ 4 469
View Low+ 19 1767
View Low+ 0 584
View Low 1 592
View Low+ 3 444
View Low 14 1182


  1. jakko said:

    Interesting rec post :)

  2. Ghostface: spire said:

    I got tired of being all srsface all the time and posting the exact same shit. Thought I might aswell try something new. If people want me for my shootfloorgetkills ability, then it’s good.

  3. Natijs said:

    Ghostface stop trolling people. You’re around premier level.

  4. illii said:

    Something something, bad taste in hats, something, poo

  5. Ghostface: spire said:

    Natijs just confirmed himself as MY BEST FRIEND LOLZ

    Also, illii commented cuz I’m her stalker.

  6. Ghostface: spire said:

    Bump. Might actually bother and copy/paste from a previous post. Or maybe not.

  7. Ghostface: spire said:

    I’ll be away until the 10th starting tomorrow.

  8. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    “Only two people know kung fu. Chinese people and the king. And I’m the king”
    Someone post his fail video already :D
    Good luck for your search, give him a chance!

  9. hz said:

    Played with Ghostface.

    Only had good experience when he’s playing with us.

  10. waize: eX. said:

    Ghostface.. nice guy , good player , with experiance.. what do you want more? he’s your player!

  11. konr said:

    div 6

  12. Ghostface: spire said:

    Is Shintaz on your friendslist yet, konr?

    Oh no wait I forgot Shintaz is a shitter cuz he has Ghostface on his friendslist. Seriously, everyone thinks you’re a douche. Door’s over there, get out thank you.

  13. konr said:

    When did I ever say that lol?

  14. Martn said:

    Konr is wrong, ghostface can do low div 5. =D

  15. konr said:

    I’ll agree with that Martn.

  16. Ghostface: spire said:

    Coming back saturday, will answer any offers/friend ads that night.

  17. Natijs said:

    I miss you :(

  18. Ghostface: spire said:

    Back home. Eager for TF2

  19. Ghostface: spire said:


  20. Krabs said:

    U can bump how much you want, forever alone :(

  21. Ghostface: spire said:

    One day ima be just like you Krabs. From low– to div3 in less than a month.

  22. Krabs said:

    In 3 months first of all. What makes you think that I was low- tough? Oh I forgot that you are magician.

    But if srsly, for team leaders, this guy is really troll and arrogant. I really cba to judge about his skill as I haven’t seen him playing some while:)

  23. Ghostface: spire said:

    Really troll.

    I like how you and konr are the only people I troll. You two baddies should shake hands together and go make a te-ohwaitnvm.

  24. Krabs said:

    I don’t know konr but I suppose you troll him cuz he got better in less time than you?:}

    And even I know about how you got kicked from your own team because you were too idiotic or something.

    Anyway, with what rights you just start to troll someone? I rly cba to tell when it started but you were the one who insulted me first without knowing a shit bout whole thing, wasn’t it that? It’s really lame to judge about someone by etf2l history, would you say twistedplay is div4 because of history etc? It’s really stupid way to show yourself as a pro guy who sits in clouds and sees and knows everything.

  25. Dummy said:

    he doesnt troll, he isnt arrogant, anyone who says that has either never pld with ghost or had assumed he was that before they pld with each other

  26. Krabs said:

    Dummy, sry but you are not right. I’ve played with hime once or twice some while ago :)

  27. Dummy said:

    opinions then, never heard any trololo or doucheness from him and I played with him way more than 1 or 2 times =p

  28. Ghostface: spire said:


  29. Poop: TSUN~ - [PG] said:

    fucking awesome

  30. konr said:

    I’ve played with Ghostface about 50+ times at least and even had him chilling in my Mumble for a long time. Doesn’t take criticism well unless you think you’re a div 3 scout (and a dragon) and like dicks. Doesn’t improve. Very inconsistent. Very annoying accent. Blabbers on about nothing ingame sometimes. Will randomly insult you when you say something he disagrees with (your scout isn’t div 3 and you aren’t div 4, try div 6/5 first Ghostface please just try it at least; NO U BAD U DIV 6 U NOT BACON RIMRIMRIMRIMRIMRIMRIMRIM) Is about mid/top div 6 generally and on a good day he can get to about mid div 5/low div 5.
    Also if you decide to not be friends with him anymore because you’re sick of his bullshit and cocky attitude (he once was like ‘omg div 6 nerds should just give up they so bad etc/.’ for absolutely no reason at all whilst chilling in mumble. He’s got an ego, but nothing to base it on) he will suddenly hate you too and act as if he wanted it like that all along.

    Do not recommend letting this person near your Mumble, or server.
    Honestly can’t think of anything positive.


  31. Ghostface: spire said:

    Thank you for your opinion. I’m sorry if you think that. Only one quick observation: when you present your opinion, try to include less bullshit.

    Have a nice day.

  32. Cannady: hood said:

    he sick floor shooter

  33. Ghostface: spire said:

    Going huge. 1 kill/game nowadays


  34. hz said:

    Ghostface is one of the guys who people will like or hate. Give him a trial and see if he fits into your team. Definitely D5 standard.

  35. Ghostface: spire said:


  36. binge said:

    he is so annoying, remember him spamming me on steam to join his shitty team
    played with him about 2-3 times, which was enough for me to decide that I’d never want anything to do with him anymore
    he’s like the non-cheating/more annoying version of Abra

    div5 low max